Two and half weeks out

Oct 15, 2007

October 15, 2007

Wow, 19 pounds. The weight keeps dropping off.
Not hungry, not thirsty but abiding by all of the directions from the Barix bible. Went on purees a little early than the three weeks because of my lack of tolerance of all the milk and milk products. Oh that was soooooooo good . I have been feeling a tiny bit tired, but I think that is more a result of the new medication to treat the TIA's. Will see tomorrow when I get the blood tested if the blood is okay. Going out tonight for the first time, whoo hooo! 

What a Long Strange Trip its Been.

Oct 07, 2007

October 7th 2007 Ann Arbor Michigan

I can't quite believe that I am still here! Still at my sisters, 12 days after surgery. What a ride its been.  I was released three days post op from Barix. The surgery went well. I felt great. Everything was going down and staying down and I had super high energy levels. Everyone at Barix was great. I came home to my sisters as she is just 10 minutes from Barix and planned to stay with her until I felt well enough to drive home, 4 or  5 days. Saturday the first day home was fine I slept got in most of the protein and water and even had a little walk. Sunday started out great too, pills, protein a little walk, a little rest. I was even helping my sister mark a few multiple choice papers. I reached for my drink, spilt it, got up and all hell broke loose.  I was having a stroke. I knew right away that I was having a stroke which turned out to be a TIA. I walked toward the kitchen and as I was walking I said to my sister that I was having a stroke.
She paused thinking I was joking but realized my words were badly garbled and I looked funny. She got me a stool and called 911. They were here in 3 minutes.  Two women, my heros. By the time they arrived the TIA had passed. But they insisted I go to the hospital.  
They have great hospitals in this part of Michigan. University of Michigan and St. Joseph Mercy. I went to St. Josephs as it it smaller and a little less intimidating . Emergency went quickly, CAT scan, insurance, waiting for a room. I can't believe I asked them if I could drive home! I thought it would be better to get home to Canada. Deranged thinking! I rested in emergancy while they waited for a room for me. A lovely Canadian doctor kept checking me for signs of more stroke, good signs. But after several hours of lying on a guerney they started to take me to my room. It happened again.
This time I kinda a new something was going on, but I was really in bad shape. They got me to my room and asked me to walk to my new bed, I could so I did, but a few questions later it became obvious to everyone but me that I was having another stroke.  People were a little paniced (sp) I could tell that the poor intern who was looking after me hadn't seen this happen before his eyes before, he looked like a deer caught in headlights.  It is the funniest thing I remained completely calm through all of this. I developed this sort of calm demeanor in anticipation of the WLS and figured whatever came as meant to be and I would deal with it.  Another, round of CAT scan, Carotid artery scan and then off to another ward on a monitored bed. I spent 7 days at St. Joseph Mercy. One full day where my heart threatened to give out with my blood pressure dropping and my heart rate soaring. Deer in the headlights was completely paniced. We did finally chat when I was feeling better just before he rotated to another service and he told me that he had never seen a stroke unfold in front of him, lots of post stroke people but nothing active.

So now I am back at my sisters, hoping to go home tomorrow. I see Dr. Pop early in the morning, get my blood checked at the hospital and then off to home. I miss my babe, and my dogs. Its been 12 days and I have lost 15 pounds. Oh what a long strange trip its been.

A Good Week

Sep 07, 2007

After a rather dismal attempt to lose weight prior to surgery, I am finally succeeding! We love to travel and in August we were in the motorhome, for two weeks. I gained six pounds from my consult weight, ugh! It meant that not only did I have the 10 pounds that the surgeon requested I lose, I had the extra that I put on while travelling. But, with two and a half weeks to surgery I needed to kick this into gear. So this week I am finally down three pounds from my consult weight with a few weeks of time to go to get the rest off. Thats 8 lbs in little over two weeks.  I have never had too much problem losing weight but keeping it off has always been a challenge. I can maintain a focus for several months, with strick diet and exercise but then fall off the plan and fail to keep the weight off. I know that I am not unique in this and if making the lifestyle changes was easy than none of us would be here. 
I went to another Windsor support group meeting. With two long term WLS members, three recent surgery members and three to come  there was a wealth of information. I love that the truth comes out during these gatherings. Everyones experience is different.  But, having those differences prepares you for what the worst and best of this surgery could bring.
 I am not nervous at all. My PATS are on Monday so heres hoping all goes well.

Everything is coming up roses!!!!

Aug 25, 2007

August 25, 2007 

I have my surgery date September 26 2007 at Barix Clinix in Ypsilianti Michigan with Dr. Steven Poplawski.  I have had a wonderful summer here in Ontario.   I am trying to lose some pre surgery weight in order to be in the best possible shape for my surgery. I have enjoyed the OH Ontario board. I can't believe the wonderful support given to me and others. As well the support group that DiminishingDawn is organizing in Windsor is also a great gift. 

Every now and then I go to the Memorials page to remind myself of the risks of surgery and obesity.  Today I found myself reading there again, and wondering how do I prepare myself for the possibility of complications and death.  I am not a morbid person and accept that death is a possibility every day, so I am not afraid of the surgery.   But, I haven't told all my family about my choice. I question myself. Should I tell them?  
I believe my risks of dying from heart disease and obesity related illnesses are greater that dying from obesity surgery so for that reason I am choosing life!!!!!! But, what a tragedy death from surgery would be. To choose between the possibility of a long healthier life and the risk of 
death due to elective surgery is a real dilema. There should be no anger from anyone, this is the right decision for me.

First Post - after 3 years of research!

May 24, 2007

I applied for RNY in 2004. My application was approved but no one notified me or my GP of the approval. One month before the approval was due to expire I was notified by the clinic in Michigan that they could take me in two weeks.  Unfortunately, I couldn't get it together fast enough to get there due to work commitments. I  applied for an extension and was denied. 

It took me another 2 years to reapply. In the mean time I tried to lose weight on my own.  I lost 70 pounds, only to regain 50 of that. It seems this life long struggle with weight loss is destined to keep me returning to my comfortable fluffy self. I am a happy person, so being heavy has never held me back socially. But, I am really frightened about what future I have as my weight continues to contribute to other serious co morbidities. Enough is enough. I have too much to contribute to society to be taken early because of fat.  

I have experienced huge challenges in my life - and this will be one more. I look forward to facing this one with the same full embrace that I have with all the others.  It is really great being in a group of such supportive people, who take the time and effort to support one another. I hope to be able to be a part of that too.

About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 15, 2004
Member Since

Friends 34

Latest Blog 15
Can't believe how time flys!
Everything is going great.
Cruise to Lose January 17 2009 Liberty of the Seas Royal Caribb
Cruise to Lose Jan 17th 2009
Happy with the Changes
Moving right along!
Oh Oh, stalled and don't know what to do!
