LJ1972 posted a discussion topic 11 years, 4 months ago
Friday Training - Woooo upper body day - typing like a T-Rex 3min warm up on TM, then hills - every 30sec increase incline by 2% up to 12, jog 1 minute then back down to 5 for a minute, then ...

LJ1972 posted a discussion topic 11 years, 4 months ago
Thursday Workouts - I have been absolutely exhausted all week - even cancelled my trainer session on Tuesday. Didn't do any good, I still didn't sleep.  *sigh* Back to it today 12 reps, 5 ...

LJ1972 posted a discussion topic 11 years, 4 months ago
Tuesday Training - Met with my trainer today for a butt kicking and she delivered! about 300m row for warm up then 3 rounds of : 500m row for time 20 (35lb) Kettlebell swings 10 Captai...

LJ1972 posted a discussion topic 11 years, 5 months ago
Tuesday Training - 30 minute extreme cycle class Trainer - 3 rounds of 3 stations, 1 min work, no planned rest 55lb clean and press 35lb kettlebell sumo squat high pull 55lb bent over ro...

LJ1972 posted a discussion topic 11 years, 5 months ago
Thursday Training - Trainer workout today... she was "semi-easy" on me since I was SUPPOSED to have my triathlon Saturday (thanks for that not happening, stinking Tropical Storm Karen!   :(    ) ...

LJ1972 posted a discussion topic 11 years, 5 months ago
Friday Workouts - Another trainer day... feeling more myself so I wasn't so hard on myself. 30sec work, 10sec rest, 6 rounds at one station before going to the next BOSU Crab walk (the mo...

LJ1972 posted a discussion topic 11 years, 5 months ago
Thursday Workouts - Met with the trainer again.  This was the first time I have ever fought tears in a workout.  I know now why it happens on those reality shows.... super tough effort in a workout...

LJ1972 wrote a blog post 11 years, 5 months ago
Yesterday - I am not even sure how to describe yesterday. Before surgery I suffered with very dark, very dangerous major depression and PTSD. Of course these things still plague me from tim...

LJ1972 posted a discussion topic 11 years, 5 months ago
Tuesday Workout - :/ Pre-op I suffered from major depression and PTSD.  Literally days after surgery, I started building confidence.  Now, 2yrs out, I have hit the darkest place in a very lon...

LJ1972 wrote a blog post 11 years, 5 months ago
LONG 2 weeks - Ok, I have been out, but I have very valid reasons.  Wednesday 9/4 I left for Texas!  I visited with my niece, her hubby and their turning 1yr old son - my littlest superher...

LJ1972 posted a discussion topic 11 years, 5 months ago
Friday / Weekend training - After being out of commission for 2 weeks, except one trainer session over a week ago, Friday's workout nearly did me in. It was UGLY.  I spent 5 days in Texas visiting family, ...

LJ1972 posted a discussion topic 11 years, 6 months ago
Tuesday Training - Worked with the trainer today - 21,15,9 reps plank pulls, BOSU situps, wide pushups on lowered bar (smith machine), BOSU cross unders Then stairs - sprint up stairs (...

LJ1972 posted a discussion topic 11 years, 6 months ago
Rest Day??? NOOOO -

LJ1972 posted a discussion topic 11 years, 6 months ago
Friday Training - I trained with my trainer today. Used whole wheat bread, peanut butter and 1/2 a banana - did ok with that, then this afternoon had some watermelon (1 chunk from one of those pr...

LJ1972 posted a discussion topic 11 years, 6 months ago
Tolerance Changes @ 2yrs out - I was 2 years post op as of 8/16.  I have never dumped, I can eat a LOT of food, carbs have never bothered me.  The last few weeks I have noticed some changes in my tolerance.  ...

LJ1972 posted a discussion topic 11 years, 6 months ago
Thursday Training - Trainer session -  5 stations, 3 rounds,  10 reps 15lb dumb bells reverse fly, 30lb  dumb bells chest press, tricep dips (bodyweight, but assisted), (forgot the weight) bice...

LJ1972 posted a discussion topic 11 years, 6 months ago
Monday Workouts - Usually Monday is  a rest day, but my Tri group training was canceled for weather yesterday so I went to the gym.  30 minute "ABSolute Glutes" class  -   15 minute EMOM (Eve...

LJ1972 accomplished a goal 11 years, 6 months ago
run a 5k

LJ1972 accomplished a goal 11 years, 6 months ago
go hiking and not get tired

LJ1972 accomplished a goal 11 years, 6 months ago
Go to the water park and ride all the slides

LJ1972 accomplished a goal 11 years, 6 months ago
stop avoiding long lost friends due to my weight

LJ1972 wrote a blog post 11 years, 6 months ago
Expectations of Perfection - One thing that has haunted and dogged my heels since surgery is my expectation of perfection. I MUST eat the small portions as described in my handbook - even if I am traini...

LJ1972 posted a discussion topic 11 years, 6 months ago
Friday Fabulousness - I adore my trainer. Really. She can push me past limits I place on myself everytime. Today:  5 stations, 8 reps, 6 rounds weighted bar reverse lunges (75 first round, then...

LJ1972 wrote a blog post 11 years, 6 months ago
BOO! - *dusts cobwebs off of blog and eases back into routine* Wow... I am happy to say I am in a better place than I was when I posted here in April!  I still have days where I ea...

LJ1972 posted a discussion topic 11 years, 6 months ago
Tuesday Training - WOW.  WOW. Usually I do my session with the trainer first on Tuesdays, and then Spin class. Today she had a meeting so we did Spin first. I went all out - figured it was a w...
About Me
Surgery Date
Apr 10, 2011
Member Since

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