Back on Track

Feb 07, 2008

My husband has now come to his senses.  He informed me this evening that he has decided to charge my surgery on his credit card.  Plus he surprised me with a early birthday gift... a TREADMILL!  I just mentioned it to him about a month ago that I would like one for Christmas this year.  I know deep down he wants to be supportive with my choice to have weight loss surgery, but he is having a hard time with it.  We have talked about the fear he has of me leaving him after I lose all the weight, but no matter how much I reassure him that won't happen he still has it in the back of his mind.  What can a girl do?

It was suppose to be the best news ever!

Feb 07, 2008

Is it wrong to be feeling so depressed on the day you find out that have been approved for WLS from you insurance company? I was ecstatic when I got the news! I had to call everyone including my MD. But, and there is always a ‘but’, it was short lived after talking to my husband. He told me congratulation; I then told him that they could do the surgery as soon as February 26. He then said that we need to sell our house (it’s currently on the market) before I have the surgery. His reasoning is that I won’t be able to show the house the first week after the surgery and if we do end up selling it within four weeks after my surgery I won’t be much help with lifting boxes and such. The only reason we (me, my MD and the director of the WL center) summated my case to the insurance company early was due to my health getting worse. He also added that we don't have the $1500 for the surgery right now. I told him that I can get a nine month interest free loan that the weight loss center is in connection with and he told me that we can't add anymore debt since we plan on buying a house as soon as we sell this one. I feel like if I tell my husband how I am really feeling it may come across as being selfish. I just don’t know what to do besides cry.

My fat days will soon be over!

Feb 06, 2008

I just received a phone call from the director of the weight loss center and she informed me that my insurance has approved my RNY early. I am ecstatic! I have worked so long and hard to get to this joyous day. They informed me that they could do my surgery as soon as February 26th. Wish me luck!

In the clear for now

Feb 01, 2008

So here is the update to my last Blog, but first I want to say thank you to all of you that replied with such hope and concern. Today I went to see the doctor and he told me that a normal range for the test I took is between one and eight; I was a 10.5 and we were both puzzled as to why. So he told me that for now I’m in the clear and that the next time I have an attack I will need to test again. I was so relieved to hear the news. I will keep you all posted if I get new news about the subject.

The long wait...

Jan 29, 2008

So today I received a phone call from the director of the WL center informing me that she sent off my information to the insurance company again, so now all I need to do is wait...easier said then done. Last Friday I went and saw my MD about another health problem I've been having and he gave me the worse news I've ever heard...I may have cancer. He said that my symptoms sound like a rare cancer called Carcinoid tumor. So we are doing some test and I should get my first results by the end of this week. He told me that the first tests will most likely be negative and that we will need to test again right after I have an attack. My husband told his boss he wouldn’t be in the next day and drove three hours to get home to be with me. We cried all night and it continued into the next day. It’s sure weird how your life can change so quickly without any notice. I will keep you all posted.

Is God trying to tell me something?

Jan 20, 2008

Okay so I'm a true believer that God tries to give us messages  and we have the choice to listen.  There have been times in the past  that I didn't want to listen or didn't understand what he is trying to get at.     
     So what does this have to do with WLS?                                    Everything!
Since the get-go of looking into WLS things have been going wrong.  When I called to get information about WSL from the weight loss center they told me that they would send a packet out to me asap, so I waited and waited, but nothing came.  So I called a few weeks later to ask about the packet and I was told they would send one again.  After receiving it I called and registered for the seminar.  I planned on my husband watching the kids, but unfortunately the day before we found out he wouldn't be back in town in time. So I called for a babysitter and at the last minute she backed out.  I was so bummed because they only have these seminars like twice a year in the area I'm from.  At the last minute a friend of mine agreed to watch my kids. Thank God! 
    I had all my appointments scheduled in one day and I asked my husband to join me since it was over three hours of drive time each way.  The night before my appointments he ended up cracking his tail bone and the next day he started to get stick.  At this point I started to wonder if God was trying to tell me something.  Despite how he felt he still tagged along.
   Fast forward a month (August)and I get the call that my insurance denied me; they wanted me to have six consecutive months of seeing my doctor and being on a weight loss program(which I had plenty of but not within the last two years).
    Needless to say that was the last time I heard from the weight loss center.  I called last Monday and left a message to check in and to see if I needed to update my file before they summit it to the insurance again.  I waited until Friday to call them again, since I never heard back from them and again I left a message.
    I just don't know what to do.  I was very pleased with the surgeon when I met him and I really like the director but things just haven't gone so smooth.
    What should I do?  Is God trying to tell me something?

About Me
Worland, WY
Surgery Date
Jan 01, 2008
Member Since

Friends 33

Latest Blog 16
6 months post-op
A few pounds shy of a 80 pound loss
four month face lift
Before & 12 weeks out
The one month stall
Wow moment!
I have a date!
