Danielle. 19 years, 4 months ago

Carrie! Congratulations on your surgery! Hope you have a quick and uneventful recovery! Best of luck to you!

Trisha 19 years, 4 months ago

Talked with Carrie's mom today and surgery went well!! There were NO complications and she was in her room and sleeping. We all remember the first day!! I'll be calling her tomorrow to see how she is doing and will report back here!! Post your thoughts, concerns and notes to her on here and I'll fax this to nurses station Thursday afternoon!!

Trisha 19 years, 4 months ago

Talked with Carrie's mom today and surgery went well!! There were NO complications and she was in her room and sleeping. We all remember the first day!! I'll be calling her tomorrow to see how she is doing and will report back here!! Post your thoughts, concerns and notes to her on here and I'll fax this to nurses station Thursday afternoon!!

Sheryl Tilley 19 years, 4 months ago

As I write this you are in surgery. I am praying for things to go well with you and that you come out with a smile on your face knowing your new life has begun. Hugs! Sheryl Tilley

Cyndi M. 19 years, 4 months ago

~~~~CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR UPCOMING SURGERY. ~~~~ May God give you courage, strength and guidance throughout your new journey. Your big day is almost here, this is the day, your new life will begin, I cant promise it will be easy, cant say it will be hard, I can say that with all the complications and everything I had to go through, It was well worth it. I have never felt better in yearsss, I’m off all medications, have sooooo much more energy. So if you hit a bump in the road, hang in there and remember it will alll be worth it in the long run. Prayers that the Lord will guide your surgeon’s hands and you have a speedy recovery. . Remember your not alone in this journey, many of us have been down this road, we are here to offer love and support. Looking forward to hearing from you on the loosing side. Huggs and Prayers Link to my profile http://www.obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/profile.phtml?N=M1087435160 8-19-04 surgery date 297.5 5f 2 -103.5 weight losss

Wildcat Lady 19 years, 4 months ago

Congrats on your upcoming surgery! I wish you a speedy recovery and much success.

teri S. 19 years, 4 months ago

Your time to shine is almost here. Before you know it you will be up and about enjoying your new life. Teri

future former fat chick 19 years, 4 months ago

Carrie, Congratulations on your upcoming surgery! Mine is on 5/24, God willing. Anyway, I will be praying for you, and I know you will come through with flying colors. We'll both be dropping pounds in no time! So here’s to us… may we both have successful surgeries, improved health, energy galore, many “wow moments”, and fabulous before-and-after pics! God bless! Hugs, Tracy

LivinLifeOnTheEdge 19 years, 4 months ago

Just wanted to wish you luck with your surgery. Prayers are with you. Annie

Learning2LuvMe 19 years, 4 months ago

THank you for the kind words! I need all the prayers I can get! Im scared, well, a little.....but I am going through with it. I think its just more of it all becoming a reality after so long its just been a goal. Now what do we do once we have obtained the goal? oh gosh! THanks again......
About Me
Phoenix, az
Surgery Date
Apr 09, 2002
Member Since
