100 lost and still going down

Apr 28, 2008

I have reached a 100 lbs weight loss.  Im hoping to lose 60 more. Im just now 4mth out so Im sure by Sep I will have reached my goal.

Almost there!!

Apr 08, 2008

I am now 11 lbs away from a 100 lb weight loss!!! I cant tell you how excited I am.  I have lost 89 lbs in a lil over 3 months! This surgery has been such a great gift!  I hope by my B day in Sep I will have reached my goal. :)  LIFE IS GOOD!!

Im dropping again!!

Mar 03, 2008

Well, I just went to the Hospital to buy some more protein shakes. I got on the scale there, and was pretty shocked once again. Last week I lost 6 lbs and since Wed Ive lost another 5.6 lbs!! I am now down 74 lbs!! Im soo excited and cant wait to hit that 100 lbs mark. I hope by May, I will have done that. Let ya all know when.  

Coulldnt stay away from the scale

Feb 22, 2008

I just had to get on the scale this morning. Im kinda glad I did. I lost another 5 lbs in 2 days. yay!!! So now total ive lost 61 lbs. I have not even reach the 2 month mark yet!  It will be 2months on the 27th of Feb. Im happy again! I just hope I lose a nice amount b4 I get stuck again.

Lil Bummed

Feb 20, 2008

Well, I did drop, just not as much as I wanted to. I lost  only 3 lbs. Oh well, Im sure it will come off sooner or later.  Im walking 2 miles on treadmill and riding the bike. I go back March 19th. Im gonna try not to weigh myself until then. 

Hoping for a loss

Feb 17, 2008

I go see my Surgeon on the 20th. Im sooo hoping for a loss, Ive been the same for over 2 weeks now. No loss No gain.  Ive been told this is normal to have weeks with no loss but Im ready to see that scale DROP!!  Be back on the 20th with an update. :)

12 more lbs!

Jan 30, 2008

Just a quick update... I cant believe this but Ive lost another 12 lbs and that puts me at a total of 53 lbs! Hard to let that sink in thats 53 lbs in 4 weeks and 4 days!! :) Im loving this!

1 month pst op

Jan 23, 2008

Had my 1 mth post op visit with my surgeon. Im happy to say Im now down 41 lbs! I lost 8 b4 surgery and 33 since. :) Im getting excited and for the first time in a LONG  time Im looking forward to summer!  I wonder if my Husband would like me to go out and buy some booty shorts? lol just joking.  Oh ya.. Ive been off my bp meds since surgery and my bp is great.  That was my only health problem b4 surgery so thats a very good thing. My port holes have healed the infection is gone and Im able to sleep curled up with my body pillow the way I like it. :)  Im off my pain meds and having no problems moving around. Im pain free!! Well folks thats all for now.  

1 week check-up

Jan 07, 2008

Just got back from the Doc. Im down 10 lbs I was hoping for more. Im now off my blood thinner shots, oxygen and he said my infection looks to be gone. I guess its just healing time now. Im feeling pretty good, lil sore on the left side of my back and also lower left side of my belly.  I  seem to be able to eat just bout anything on the list Im allowed without getting sick and I am drinking lots of water with no probs. yay!  Thats all for now folks!

Set back

Jan 05, 2008

Well, I made it at home 2 days and then back in Hospital. I woke up New Years at 4 am burning up. My Husband took me to the ER  and I found out I had a temp of 104. They started antibiotics in my IV and they had to cut me open again to get some of the infection out. I still have a pretty deep hole in my belly and I have a RN who comes out everyday too see me. Its not so bad after the fact but when she has to unpack and repack it  back up, I feel like I could just die. The pain is just that bad!! Ive been home again since Jan3rd seem to being doing well and fever is staying below 100. Im hanging in there!!

About Me
Madison Heights, MI
Surgery Date
Oct 18, 2007
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Friends 34

Latest Blog 25
Date changed :(
few more lbs gone
Happy Birthday to me!
And losing lol
Still losing
