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The angels gathered round to see,<br>
a sight they'd never seen.<br>
For there was a hole in heaven,<br>
where one had never been.
"How will we fill the hole?", they cried. <br>
But one angel knew what to do. <br>
I have an idea, the angel said, <br>
and opened up a view.
The angel pointed down towards earth, <br>
where a man lay slowly dying. <br>
"That man is big", the angel said, <br>
and they could see he wasn't lying. <br>
"He's big of heart and big of courage, <br>
of that there's no denying."
So the angels gathered round his bed, <br>
to gently hold his hands. <br>
And when the time was right, <br>
escorted him from this land. <br>
As they rose, that generous heart, <br>
it started to expand. <br>
For to fill a hole in heaven, <br>
it takes a mighty good man. <br>
Godspeed, Larry. My heartfelt condolences, Diane.