
Nov 23, 2006

Well, today is thanksgiving!  I have a lot to be thankful for.  My wonderful and supportive husband, my two beautiful boys, a fantastic mother, and the opportunity in 19 days to change my life!  

My sister-in-law made a comment today about my surgery and Christmas.  She only knows that I am having surgery.  She wants me to come.  It will be at her house this year.  I felt uncomfortable with her talking about A surgery since I have not brought up the surgery topic with any other family member.  I only told her I was having a hernia repaired.  She did not mention the type of surgery but I am sure it peaked my other sister-in-law's curiosity.  She already thinks that the two of ua are closer to each other than to her.  

Even with that said, this holiday I definitely noticed a difference in the family dynamics.  This is the first holiday without my mother-in-law.  She passed away July 2006 from lung cancer.  It was much calmer.  Less tension.  Much more relaxing. 

This is the first year my own sister spent Thanksgiving with us as well.  She was also very pleasant.  The overall day was very special.

I will be starting my high protein/low carb diet tomorrow to get myself ready for surgery.

Random thought...

Nov 21, 2006

My birthday is November 11 (11/11).  My re-birthday will be December 12 (12/12).  How fun is that!  Two great days that are easy to remember!

Things I am looking forward to after WLS....

Nov 20, 2006

1.  More energy.
2.  Travelling without worries.
3.  Fitting into an airplane seat without my hips being crushed.
4.  Not using a seatbelt extender ever again!
5.  Sitting in a seat without feeling squished and my shoulder not killing me because I am holding my arms in on myself
6.  Dancing again without being out of breathe and sweating after 1/2 a song 
7.  Not worrying about what other people think
8.  Crossing my legs
9.   Buying a sexy bra and underwear from Victoria Secret
10.  Off my medications forever!
11.  Crawling around on the floor with my kids

12.  Sitting in my kids' twin beds and we all fit together while reading stories
13.  Going to an amusement park and riding the rides again
14.  Enjoying the private time with my hubby again :)
15.  Going out without having the feeling that someone is staring
16.  Going to the theatre (plays, movies, concerts, etc.) and not worrying if I will fit into the seat or my knees killing me from being stuck in the same postion for 3 hours.
17.  Riding a mule down into the Grand Canyon or just riding a horse again.  I want to take my boys riding.
18.  Would love to be able to climb the stairs in my house without huffing
19.  Ride my bike again
20.  Eat to live... not live to eat!

I am sure there is more.... but this is a great wish list to start with!

Pre-op Doctor's Visit & Class (cont)

Nov 20, 2006

So I had my pre-op visit today.  I was totally cleared for surgery!  My hubby cam ewith me to the pre-op class. That was great!  He was able to hear everything first hand.  He was happy he came.  I think some of the fear he was having was relieved.  

I need to start my pre-op diet of high protein/low carb.  Should be interesting.  I am travelling the next 3 weeks for work.  I need to get all my visits in before my surgery so I can take the time off.

I am planning to do a little shopping for some things to try and get the house prepared for when I get home from surgery.  Don't know when... but this is my goal. Who needs to sleep :)  

Pre-op Doctor's Visit & Class

Nov 19, 2006

So tomorrow is my pre-op doctor's visit and my pre-op class where I meet with the nutritionist, the doctor, and the surgeon.  I had all my labs and tests done over a week ago.  I hope that there will be no surprises and everything is good to go.  Only 23 more days until my big day! 

Surgery Scheduled

Nov 13, 2006

At last, my surgery is scheduled has been for December 12, 2006.  I am schedule for the RNY procedure with Dr. Nagle.  I just completed all my pre-op tests on Friday.  I am nervous yet very excited about the whole thing.  

The big decision I have right now is who to share my surgery with.  Do I tell family and friends?  A part of me wants to keep it to myself for awhile until I am in better shape.  If I do not share, what should I do about Christmas?  Do I go to the in-laws?  Do I stay home?  

My husband is very supportive and will respect any decision I make.  This is a very personal decision  and one I need to ponder for a while still.

My first post

Nov 01, 2006

This is my first post.  I have never done anything like this before.  My friend told me of this website.  I am so glad I found it.

I have already seen my surgeon and last week I found out that BCBS has approved my surgery.  I am waiting to find out when my surgery will be scheduled.  I am hoping for Monday, December 11, 2006 but I am waiting for confirmation. 

I will try to keep this blog updated as time progresses.  Take care.

About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 01, 2006
Member Since

Friends 41

Latest Blog 47
September 29, 2008
September 1, 2008
April 24, 2008
October 10, 2007
August 27, 2007
August 17, 2007
June 12, 2007
May 13, 2007 - Mother's Day
April 12, 2007
April 2, 2007
