7 days post WLS

Oct 25, 2010

So, I had my WLS (RNY) on Oct 18, 2010.  Today I am 7 days post WLS.  I still have my drain attached and it it irratated and somewhat painful.  I have had no serious side effects.  I actually recovered amazing well, to my mind anyhow.  I was released on Tueday the 19th and spent Wed-Friday at my parents house to stay nearby the hospital.  By Wed I was so mych better then my time in the hospital it was amazing.  I was walking around without pain, breathing better and able to sit without a pillow accross my lap for support.  By Friday I was not taking my pain medication anymore.  Yes, it still feels somewhat bruised and ... offended, but nothing that needs meds.  I have had some lightheadedness and... already... some hunger.  I hate that I already have hunger.  It scares me that I already have hunger.  I see my surgeon, Dr. Patchings, tomorrow and plan to talk to him about it.  I feel rather tired, rundown and gross at this point (can't do full showers yet... 3 more days if all is well).  I am not sleeping well, but mainly from the drain, and feeling oddly hot. 

To the temperature issue... I wonder if the surgery is screwing with my hormones... I swear I thought I was running a fever in the hospital, but I was fine.  I wake up hot every night.  Durring the day I feel fine, although sometimes I get chills.  It concerns me a good deal.

Tastes... I find my tastebuds seem a bit... sharper.  Things taste more strongly.  I have, obviously, not had much of a chance to try things yet, but things still seem to taste good... except for the liquid vitamins I chose before surgery.  I ... tolerate them... but good golly do they taste foul.  I think it is the "sharper tastebuds" letting me taste ALL of the vitaminy goodness.  I plan to switch to chewables once it is gone.

I am up in the air on my milk tolerance.  I have been drinking Whey protien drinks, sometimes with water, sometimes with fat free milk.  It makes me gassy... but I hear that is nomral with protien drinks.  I am not really hip on the flavor of my protien shake, but... so it goes.  I may branch out and try others as I go.  I have not yet gotten sick, although I DO seem to have something that feels similar to heartburn... maybe gas in the upper part of my stomach?  Odd.  Another talking point with my suregon.

On a good note... my first meal on "full liquid" day?  Homemade, no sugar added applesauce.  It was nice and flavorful.  My half cup lasted about an hour as I surffed the internet and read my email.  I went slow to make sure no dumping would occur, and... so far I feel great!  For lunch?  Tomato Soup.  It feels so good to be able to expand my limited selections now!

About Me
Fairfield, CA
Surgery Date
Oct 25, 2010
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