kellybelly333 posted a discussion topic 10 years, 6 months ago
3 years Ago Today - I was already one day post-op, and lying in the hospital bed wishing the nurse would turn off the alarm that kept going off, as my heart rate would not sit below 100 bpm. 100 beat...

kellybelly333 posted a discussion topic 10 years, 6 months ago
Trans Canada Challenge New Teams! - Hi Everyone! I've played around with splitting the Butt Busters team, and I think I have equalled it out nicely. Here are our new teams.  Name Smokin' A's Kellyb...

kellybelly333 posted a discussion topic 10 years, 6 months ago
TCC Numbers! - Hello everyone! Well, I am back in training, and I didn't realize how big my numbers were until this morning. I did three spin classes, yoga, running (my own training, plus my 11-...

kellybelly333 posted a discussion topic 10 years, 6 months ago
TCC Results and Team Re-assignment - Hello all, Everyone is doing great, despite Mother Nature's craziness! We have lost a few members on Butt Busters, and i'm thinking I will divide the team members amongst Smokin'...

kellybelly333 posted a discussion topic 10 years, 6 months ago
Last Call for Trans Canada Challenge Numbers! Team - Team Butt Busters lost a few members, but gained two. However I still am missing numbers each week, which doesn't help your stats! Come on, whether it was a good or bad week, it al...

kellybelly333 posted a discussion topic 10 years, 6 months ago
Scale Obsession - Lent - I'm posting this on my Facebook page, but I thought it would be relevant here as well. So i'm a bit behind in posting this (almost a week, I suppose). But i've decided to give up ...

kellybelly333 posted a discussion topic 10 years, 6 months ago
TCC Numbers for Week 9 Please - Good morning, It's above 0 here in Toronto!! Hooray! We went for a walk yesterday, and it was simply gorgeous out! I am back on my feet and I logged 97.5 km, including two spin c...

kellybelly333 posted a discussion topic 10 years, 6 months ago
TCC Week 8 Results! - Well, We are still missing numbers for Smokin' A's and Butt Busters, but i've been posting results by Wednesdays anyway. The Weekly totals are below (and Our grand total is at the...

kellybelly333 posted a discussion topic 10 years, 6 months ago
Looking for More TCC Numbers please - Hi everyone. Still need numbers for last week's tally. Please send them in today! Thanks!

kellybelly333 posted a discussion topic 10 years, 6 months ago
TCC numbers please! - Good Monday Morning all, I hope everyone is doing well in this HORRIBLE weather we are having! I have booked a cruise for next month, and I wish it was today, but i'm happily thin...

kellybelly333 posted a discussion topic 10 years, 6 months ago
TCC Results - Week 7 - Hello all, The results are in, but I need to let Butt Busters know that four of your members have not sent in results for a few weeks. I will PM them to let them know. But as the ...

kellybelly333 posted a discussion topic 10 years, 6 months ago
More Stats Needed for TCC results please - HI all. Each team has at least three people who need to send their stats in. Please send them along!   Thanks!

kellybelly333 posted a discussion topic 10 years, 7 months ago
X-post - Giving away a FitBit Flex - HI Everyone, Just thought i'd share that I received a FitBit Flex after purchasing one, and I thought I would pay-it-forward and do a little contest on my facebook page. Here's th...

kellybelly333 posted a discussion topic 10 years, 7 months ago
X-post - Giving away a FitBit Flex - HI Everyone, Just thought i'd share that I received a FitBit Flex after purchasing one, and I thought I would pay-it-forward and do a little contest on my facebook page. Here's th...

kellybelly333 posted a discussion topic 10 years, 7 months ago
Trans Canada Challenge Week 6 Results - HI All, Still missing numbers each week, but different people each time, so I suppose it all equals out in the end. If you miss sending me in stats one week, please let me know th...

kellybelly333 posted a discussion topic 10 years, 7 months ago
Giving Away a FitBit Flex on my Facebook page - HI Everyone, Just thought i'd share that I received a FitBit Flex after purchasing one, and I thought I would pay-it-forward and do a little contest on my facebook page. Here's th...

kellybelly333 posted a discussion topic 10 years, 7 months ago
Still Missing a lot of totals for the TCC please - Please post your results, or inbox me!

kellybelly333 posted a discussion topic 10 years, 7 months ago
TCC Stats - Sorry for the late post! - My weekend got away from me, and I forgot to post. Thanks for the thread that was started, I will grab stats from there. Anyone else who didn't send stats in, please do so here. ...

kellybelly333 posted a discussion topic 10 years, 7 months ago
TCC Results! - Well, the results are in everyone. Waist Management takes the lead this week with 447 kms!! Wow! Butt Busters climbs up the ladder with 375.5 kms! And Smokin' A's falls behind t...

kellybelly333 posted a discussion topic 10 years, 7 months ago
Trans Canada Challenge Totals Still needed please! - Hi there. I have several participants who haven't let me know their numbers for last week. Please send them in now. The numbers this week are terrific, considering the weather, so ...

kellybelly333 posted a discussion topic 10 years, 7 months ago
TCC Totals Please - Good morning, Just a quick note to please send in your TCC totals for last week. I'm not doing great, with my mishap last week. My totals were mostly from Monday though, with a lo...

kellybelly333 posted a discussion topic 10 years, 7 months ago
TCC results - Hi all, i don't have the official results for the week, but if I remember correctly Butt Busters was in first this week, followed by Smokin' A's and then Waist Management! Way to ...

kellybelly333 posted a discussion topic 10 years, 7 months ago
Numbers For Week Four of TCC please! - I was a busy bee this week for the Smokin' A's  3 spin classes plus 80 km clocked in on FitBit = 140 km!! i will not do nearly as well this week, as I'm going in for a fix on my ...

kellybelly333 posted a discussion topic 10 years, 7 months ago
FitBit Giveaway on my FB Page - Hi everyone, Just thought i'd let you all know that I received an extra FitBit Flex (big long story), and I have decided to pay it forward by giving one away at the end of Februar...

kellybelly333 posted a discussion topic 10 years, 7 months ago
TCC Week Three Results! - Well friends. The results are in (missing a few numbers, but perhaps they will catch up with the monthly result). With that said. Smokin' A's take first place again this wee...
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