Visit with the surgeon

Jun 27, 2008

Today I met with the Doctor. He explained the surgery. It was pretty overwhelming but I had studied so much that there were not any surprises.

He said that I was very healthy and did not look my age. He couldn't believe that didn't have any medications. I explained how much pain I had in my feet that made it difficult to exersize. He said I was a good candidate for the bypass. I have decided to go for that one because it is tried and true. The fact that they can do it lapiscopicly is a big plus.

Then I went to the person who explains the insurance process. My insurance looks good but she advised asking for my personal Dr's records for a record of weight over the past 5 years. Also she advised that I get my records from Weight Watchers for all the time I had gone and what I had lost.

I got a notebook and a journal.

I got my appointment for the psychological testing and the first meeting with the nutritionist.

This is becoming very real. I am going to have to be completely honest about my eating. I am commited to change. I wish I could have done this years ago but better late than never.

Everybody was so nice. I am only worried about the time I have to take off from my job as a daycare provider. I do not want to loose my income or my clients. I am also a little concerned about the amount of money that I will be responsible to pay.  It is difficult to figure out just what that will amount to. At least I have as good insurance as you can have for this kind of thing.

Having my cousin to talk to really helps. She has had her bypass for almost 2 years. She had more problems with her health and most have all been managed by the procedure.  She feels reborn.

I would love to hear from others who live in the Eugene/Springfield area , especially if you are going to the Sacred Heart Bariatric Center.

About Me
Springfield, OR
Surgery Date
Jun 12, 2008
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