May 05, 2007
I'm down from 190 to 186. YEAH BABY!!!!!!
Apr 30, 2007
Apr 24, 2007
Today is Tuesday, April 24, 2007. I'm bouncing between 191 and 193. I'm still trying though. I'll be taking a bootcamp exercise class soon w/ my sister, so hopefully I'll be able to tone up my body.
Ok, Question....
Not like I plan on having a baby anytime soon, but... Am I the only post weight lost bandster who is afraid of having kids, scared that they'll get back big again? I know that after the pregnancy I'll get refilled again and start losing the excess baby weight, but I just don't want to go there again. I don't want to see my weight increase anymore. I've gotten so use to seeing the numbers go down, I think it would depress me to see it go in the opposite direction.
Apr 24, 2007
Man, this has been such a depressing week so far. Totally off subject...I like to express my deepest sympathy to the students and the families of victims at Virginia Tech. The Devil is really busy. We don't know when it will be our time to go; for all we know our last day can be today. Let's cherish our moments we have here on Earth, live our life to the fullest, yet stay on the straight and narrow.
Ok, now that I have that off of my chest...
I am now down 5 more lbs. from 198 to 193. I'm pressing, making my way down to my goal weight. :-)
Apr 24, 2007
Today is Wednesday, March 28, 2007
**I'm proud to say that I finally turned 21 3 days ago! YAY**
Yes It has been a year and 1 month; sorry I haven't updated. I'ma keep this short and sweet. I had a fill a week ago, and I've lost about 4-5 pounds. I am now out of the 200s I am glad to say that I weigh 198. I'm hoping to hit the century mark soon so I can post my before and after pic :-)
Apr 24, 2007
I am down 8 pounds since my fill on February 1st. :)
Apr 24, 2007
On Feb. 1st I had my first fill! Dr. B. said that I was due for one a long time ago, but I thought that I should go to my check up appointment before I got the fill. Anywho, I got the fill and I am proud to say that after 2 whole days, I am down 4 pounds! Yay! Today is my 3rd day being on liquids after my fill, so by the end of the day, I should be down another 1-2 pounds.
Apr 24, 2007
I LOST 15 POUNDS!!!!! (5 pre-op & 10 post-op) I feel great! Seeing that I lost 10 pounds since my surgery motivated me to exercise on the treadmill. I did 2 miles in 52 min., which is better than what i've ever done before. I have more energy now, and I don't feel so bad that I can't eat what I want anymore.
Apr 24, 2007
I haven't written in a while. If you look at the top of my profile it says POST OP. Yes, I finally got my surgery! I'm so glad it's over. Now I mentioned before that I have never been in the hospital for anything, so you can imagine how my nerves were on my surgery day. I was a MESS. I was quiet on the way to the hospital, but as soon as we got in the parking lot I broke down in tears and was in tears :-( until they injected me with the "Happy Juice" :-) Anywho, it was so weird how the process was. All I remember is being strapped down in the operating room and seeing the big light over my head, and next thing I know, I'm waking up in recovery. It really wasn't that crucial after all.
After I got home, I was very drowsy, and I wasn't in much pain. The most pain I have is on the side where my port is. I did suffer from a lot of gas; so much that the highlight of my day was being able to pass gas...lol. After doing that, I felt better. The next two days I didn't have much of an appetite, so the liquid diet wasn't too much of a problem. On that third day, however, my hunger was coming back. I was longing for something other than water, applejuice, and broth (very gross :-s). The other day was very depressing b/c I was so hungry and everybody around me was eating tacos, burgers, and chicken. Not that I wanted junk food or fast food, I just wanted something that I could chew and that had substance.
Today was really hard for me. It's Christmas and with Christmas comes the big dinners. I'm still on liquids. Can you see how this was really hard for me? Well I'm coming up on my one week mark post op, so I was looking on Lapbandsolutions.com, and I saw where it said you can start incorporating some soft foods in your diet. However, Dr. B gave me a paper where it said to stay on clear liquids for 2 weeks. So, I chose to listen to Lapbandsolutions.com and incorporate some soft foods. I ate a small portion of chicken spaghetti and made sure it was chewed to the fullest before I swallowed. I hope I didn't mess anything up too bad. I feel alright accept for a little gas. I'm going to try not to do that anymore and finish this week off on clear liquids, but that's really hard. Pray for me.
Apr 24, 2007