s jean turn 17 years, 7 months ago

You are in my prayers. Hugs

NeedHelp 17 years, 7 months ago

Dear Julie, I am praying for you and your family. Kim M.

Suzy Q Parker 17 years, 7 months ago

Julie, I'm standing in faith with you for your healing. Sounds like Dr. Freeman is the answer to your prayers. Keep us posted. Susan

Sally A. 17 years, 7 months ago

Hi Julie, Just wanted you to know that I am sorry for your suffering, but I can see by your profile that you are still rejoicing in the Lord. I pray for a speedy and uneventful return to health for you and I hope this new surgeon will be able to solve the problems. May the Lord who hears all prayers swiftly answer ours today. - Sally

Carmen G. 17 years, 7 months ago

Julie, I have been praying and standing in faith with you for many months now. God has a plan. We do not know what this plan is, but He does. I am so happy that you chose to see Dr. Freeman. He and his staff are the best. I know that your life is about to change in a miraculous way. I am here for you. Love you...Carmen

Jan M. 17 years, 7 months ago

Hey JUlie, Just wanted to join the others in saying I am believing for your total healing. You have been so faithful and you are so deserving.I know its going to happen. Take care. Love, Jan M.

Michele Luv 17 years, 7 months ago

My thoughts and Prayers are with you and your family Julie..tho I have never met you, I hope to someday soon, I feel as if I know you already. Your strength is Amazing, God has BLESSED US with you, and I am standing in FAITH, Your TOTAL healing will be soon. Love Ya, God Bless, MicheleLuv

Luvitsunny 17 years, 7 months ago

Your profile has blessed me this morning. I know you are experiencing a "bump in your journey" but God is faithful and it is evident you are aware of that fact. I share with you these words from gospel singer, Babbie Mason.... "Whenever God plants, He does it with a finished objective in mind. He has give you ability that, when combined with the Holy Spirit's help, will allow you to be fruitful. God plans to accomplish something extraordinary with your life." You are in my prayers. ~Ruthanna

Lucy M. 17 years, 7 months ago

Hi Julie! Just coming here to show my support and keep you and your family in my prayers as you face a difficult time. God bless you and your family! Lucy

HePaid4That 17 years, 7 months ago

Hey Julie, our family will be praying for your surgery and a speedy recovery. Keep looking up!!! Greg
About Me
Gulf Shores, AL
Surgery Date
Nov 08, 2005
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1 month check-up Dr. Freeman
Follow up Dr. Freeman and PIE yuck!!
time for the BM... TMI
Getting better daily...
FOOD!!! fear and issues..
