Benita1968 17 years, 2 months ago

Thanks for adding me I read your blog and checked out your pics you are a wonderful inspiration thanks so much!!

Elizabeth W. 17 years, 2 months ago

Thanks so much for adding me! Thanks even more for your words of support. It means so much to me. Im starting to get soooo nervous the closer i get to Friday. Hope you have a great holiday...Im so happy to meet u!

mom2em_n_mer 17 years, 2 months ago

Thanks so much for your support. I'm excited yet nervous to enter this new phase of my life. Your post means alot.

adri201 17 years, 2 months ago

o wow thank you. ur WLS journey is an inspiration. it's wonderful to have ppl like u around to keep me sane and positive at this point~~~adrianna

J S. 17 years, 2 months ago

Thank you for your thoughtful message! It means a lot to know there are people out there who care!

Aprilshowers0311 17 years, 2 months ago

Thank you so much for your support it is incredibly appreciated!!

ulyses F. 17 years, 3 months ago

hi judy thanks for your support your a great inspiration.

ulyses F. 17 years, 3 months ago

hi judy thanks for your support your a great inspiration.

Racertex 17 years, 3 months ago

Hi Judy Anne, Thanks so much for the note. All I've heard lately is from concerned family/friends trying to talk me out of having surgery, so it meant more to me than you may realize to hear a kind vote of confidence! Over the last several months I've really been inspired by the journals and pics I've seen here so I'll do my best to put in my share for someone else. Someday I hope to find and attend a gathering of wls veterans in my area (southeast Texas,) sure looks like everone has a great time. Thanks again, and write anytime! John - Racertex

Racertex 17 years, 3 months ago

Hi Judy Anne, Thanks so much for the note. All I've heard lately is from concerned family/friends trying to talk me out of having surgery, so it meant more to me than you may realize to hear a kind vote of confidence! Over the last several months I've really been inspired by the journals and pics I've seen here so I'll do my best to put in my share for someone else. Someday I hope to find and attend a gathering of wls veterans in my area (southeast Texas,) sure looks like everone has a great time. Thanks again, and write anytime! John - Racertex
About Me
Duarte, CA
Surgery Date
Jan 17, 2005
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Before & After
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Two weeks before surgery
At 6 months

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