Joann, YOU may feel this is totally inappropriate of me to post to your surgery page but, here goes anyways. DO NOT LEAVE. THERE IS NO REASON FOR YOU TO LET SOMEONE CHASE YOU OFF. I know, I know, you're just like me...HOT HEADED and quick to react, but that is just that LATIN blood inside us. I have a double whammy since I also have some MIDDLE EASTERN (talk about blood thirsty!)<P><P>Yes, I agree with some people that your posts are sometimes hard to understand, but, you can just feel your "JOI DE VIVE" pouring out.<P><P>If you're still reading this you may have a "WHAAAAAAAAAAAA...D???? look" on your face, but belive me, those emails about not giving shout outs on the board to people on the boards and they feeling left out...DIDN'T START OUT WITH YOUR GROUP OF PEOPLE!...those emails have been doing the MB circute for YEARS...I have been comming to AMOS for research and support since the Spring '01 and I got them back then, but, being the individual that I am...I just replied..."A FOOL'S NAME, LIKE A FOOL'S FACE DO OFT APPEAR IN PUBLIC PLACE", then went on to explain that I didn't have to show my support to people by posting it on the boards, that that would be MORE about me than the person I was trying to support. That I came home every day and spent about 4 hours catching up on posts and sending private emails of support, and that was that. I got this person so aggravated with my answer that I had to delete my ORIGINAL profile because they had posted...PROFANITY on it..oh yeah...the mods overlooked the F*** least 2x'<P><P>Look, Joann, if you check the records also, you will see that I have comported myself like a lady at all times. I have NEVER..after the first email of response to your friend JOY M, NEVER contacted her again. When I asked Teann to act as intermediary, I got a VERY VOLATILE and I would dare say THREATENING email from her. ALL I asked her was..."What is wrong with your friend? She is seeing spiders where there are none."--that was it..and I proceeded to tell her that the person in question was NOT my type as she was well aware of the kinds of guys I liked..that's IT!<P><P>Look, my take on this is this, I had NO IDEA they were "A COUPLE"...and at that time I was speaking with the gentleman in question EVERY weekend via telephone. HE NEVER TOLD ME..OK? and it was NOT your friend's place to send me an email acusing me of "DISRESPECTING" her over a remark made in a JOKING manner. Especially when I live over 2000 miles a way, what kind of a threat COULD I have been to their relationship if there even was one? To make matters even easier for your friend, I even withheld my friendship from this man to make your friend feel more comfortable.<P><P>Listen, I have dated, many,many men in my 48 years...and there has been a % of guys that have NOT told me they are in a "COMMITED" relationship..or I have been in a relationship with a man that has "STRAYED"...I NEVER blame the other woman..usually SHE IS NOT AWARE of the circumstances and if she is, she is NOT worth the time and trouble it would take for me to educate her. I WILL ALWAYS PUT THE BLAME DIRECTLY ON THE SHOULDERS OF THE MAN. IT'S UP TO HIM TO KEEP HIMSELF ON THE STRAIGHT AND NARROW.<P><P>I've been thinking about posting to you since yesterday, and even missed my HULA performance today because I felt that I had to come home and write to you...that THIS was more important than some silly dance...even though I did let down my "HULA" family...You have seniority over!<P><P>Believe me, Joann,when I say this, that in another life and another and I would probably have been great friends...we are NOT to dissimilar you and I.<P><P>And also believe me when I say this...I have NOT emailed you or anyone else in your my own name or using a pen name--except when you posted to my surgery page that post about pointing fingers! I felt that was the end of my patience, because YOU and I both know that you and your princess posse were being, not only DISRESPECTFUL to me, but also a bit RACISTS in taking that CUBAN ROACH thread to where it got to. THAT got my goat, as a MULTI-RACIAL family, I am HYPER sensitive to any kind of bigoted remarks and I WILL ACT upon them.<P><P>During this MB feuding, I HAVE taken the "HIGH ROAD", if any of my posts were offensive to you or your friends, like my mother says..."ONCE YOU START LOOKING FOR THE CAT'S TAIL, YOU WILL ALLWAYS FIND IT"-- I really think that even if I had posted...MERRY CHRISTMAS or HAPPY BIRTHDAY, it would've set your group off in a frenzy of emails all about..."did you see what she wrote now?"--LOL--and you and yours were/are the farthest thing on my<P><P>Believe me, this is NOT the first time I have caused controversy and I have learned to deal with it by ignoring WILL eventually go away or if DRAMA is what keeps a group together, they will eventually move on to shred someone<P><P>YOU WILL SEE...DON'T REACT, DON'T GIVE THIS PERSON OR PEOPLE POWER BY LETTING THEM SEE YOU REACT AND LEAVE. I am asking you to show those ..what? TITANIUM OVARIES and stay! Let THEM leave if they don't like your post, or..NOT READ THEM, last time I checked this IS still America, right?