Maria M. 21 years, 5 months ago

Ah Contessa, your's was one of the first posts and profiles that I read when I came to this site. When I read your posts, you make me feel like I am back home (my family is from the Boston area). Cindy Lou, or whatever her real identity is, does not have the true spirit and feeling that belongs to the AMOS family. I feel sorry for her that she felt the need to take a shot at one of AMOS's brightest stars. I look forward to reading your posts for as long as you right them. Ciao, Contessa! Maria

blank first name B. 21 years, 5 months ago

just wanted to tell you: Cindy Lou is really Heather Cross.

Donna K. 21 years, 5 months ago

I tried too email you but it said too many emails Joann---Ilove to read your posts. I think you are such an inspiration to all of us. I don't post ofen because it seems every time I do I get a nasty message from someone telling me to have the real surgery . I had the lap band. People can be so cruel. I was told I was a fake and not to come on here. The lap band was my descion and so far I am doing great 50 pds down since 6/10, I have about 60 or 70 more too go Please keep posting , we all love to read your posts. Being Italian I like your posts about your cooking. I love tripe and was afraid to try it. Well I did after reading about you cooking tripe. I did fine w/ it , but of couse I had a very small amount. Thanks again Donna

Bethy413 21 years, 5 months ago

Seeing your smiling face on the board makes my day! Your post are always inspirational and I know you have helped me in many ways, many, many times. You are well loved by many....even ducks..(giggle)

susan B. 21 years, 5 months ago

please see my email i hope one bad message doesn't stop all the messages you post.

D L. 21 years, 5 months ago

Well Contessa looks like you have someone extremely jealous of you. That's so grade school as my 10 yr old would say. Don't you even think about stop posting, heck what am I saying, you leave the boards...NOT A CHANCE...and for that we're all blessed with your humor as well as encouragement. Thank you for helping me through my first 6 months with your post. Debbie in Southern Indiana

Karin C. 21 years, 5 months ago

Darn it my date is Oct 6th not the 1st!!!LOL

Karin C. 21 years, 5 months ago

Hi Contessa, I have to say I have been a member of this board for over 1 yr and I look forward to seeing you posts. You and Teanne and Pam have been my inspiration. My day is coming up Oct 1st and I will finally be on the losing side...YEAH!!!! I just hope I can Lose half of myself also...hehehe Oh Yea and I guess this Cindy lou must be a person who is jealous of anyone that had success with WLS, she/he probably didnt follow drs orders LOL...well dear, God Bless and You look marvelous!

judy B. 21 years, 5 months ago

Dear Contessa, I look forward to seeing your posts. Your bright personality and outlook on life makes me smile. Both my parents families are from Sicily, so I kinda feel related to you!! Don't let the words of some mean spirited, obviously depressed person get you down, or keep you from posting, we reap what we sow, I believe that firmly. Keep smiling!!!! ~~hugs~~

Naes Wls J. 21 years, 5 months ago

<b>Hi there girlie, I agree with you, I think I told you this once before. I don't eat pasta, potatoes, rice etc, etc. I eat about the same way. and don't play around with baking goodies and call them low fat or low carbs foods. I don't play games with foods that say it's low carbs but are really high. I have never brought and drunk protein drinks. and I get my blood checked every month and so far it's been A-OKAY,and the doctor is pleased. I focus on my meats first. water, exercise and vitamins.I do confess I have a weakness and it's for nuts. for snacks I eat sugar free jello, yogart sometimes, Im not happy with it's carbs, but I do try to get the lowest one I can find. I think everyone has to find out what works for them. I tell ya my way is weird and I admit I have no idea what Im doing LOL but Hey, it works and Im sticking to it. I get about 900 to 1000 cals a day. and I feel great. so far I've loss 140 lbs in 9 months. YAY! But anyhow I just wanted to say keep doing what's working for you. You are looking and doing a great job. CONGRATULATIONS to ya. **Hugs**</b>
About Me
north of boston.., MA
Surgery Date
Jun 03, 2002
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