My journey, so far...

Sep 18, 2009

I have been heavy all my life. In high school, I was at least 280. After getting married, I had issues with my endocrine glands that resulting in me shooting up over 300. After that, I gave up on ever even having a normal weight. This year, I discovered that our insurance would cover me for weight loss surgery, and I dove in feet first. For the first time in my life, I felt like there was hope. June 10th was my "Meet the surgeon seminar" where I also met a very inspirational women who had weighed almost 100lbs more than me, and at present time showed no signs of ever being a big women. I figured, "If she can do it, SO CAN I!!!" Thus started the 3 months of prep for surgery. Blood test, bone test, heart tests, and type of test you can imagine, plus the pre-surgery dieting. I learned the true meaning of self control. I found out later that my husband had had his doubts on if I would even make it through the first week of liquid only dieting. He's my biggest fan. On the day of surgery, I had lost over 40lbs, and I'm sure that as I write this, my loss is closer to 60. It's only been a week since my surgery, which was performed 09/09/09. Every day gets easier, and every day, my hope of a better life increases. I no longer stress every night about dying before I'm 30. I know that I am on my way to a new, healthier me!!!


About Me
Duvall, WA
Surgery Date
Sep 15, 2009
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