CathleenC 20 years, 8 months ago

JJ is looking MUCH better today but is still in Surgery ICU. Hopefully Dr Barzune will move her into a room in the next day or 2 & she will have more freedom. Her color is good AND we had an *aha*!!! moment yesterday.... JJ was yapping away & I touched her arm, looked into her eyes and said: "JJ - your FACE is thinner!!!!* I got out my compact mirror & she looked (first time she had looked in a mirror since surgery last Tuesday) & said *YES!!! I can see it*!!!! She has lost 73 pounds since October. 15 since surgery last week. They brought her dinner tray in while I was there... YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Pureed beef, asparagus & potatoes. There was pineapple slices on the tray! AHEM I handed them to they guy & said *bon apetite* I tried the beef, kept a straight face & said "mmmmm" (cough cough) then I tried the asparagus - wasn't bad!!! Then I told Richard (the nurse) that I was auctioning off the left-overs to the highest bidder!!! They got a good laugh outta that. It's GOOD to see JJ smiling more. Hubby Jerry is about the same - is holding his own. She has been able to talk with him some. That's about all I have for now. She is really enjoying the cards that you all have sent... if you want to continue the cards, she is truly appreciating them & they brighten her day SO very much: Judy "JJ Jackson (SICU 369) 7777 Forest Ln, Dallas, Tx 75230. Hugz n Blessings, Cath

MsPiggy S. 20 years, 8 months ago

I just wanted to say that I have done a lot of reading about you on several sights. I am glad you have this surgery behind you and headed on your upward climb toward life. You seem to be a very determined young lady and have overcome so many obstacles put into your path. I wanted to wish you and yours the very best and pray that your husband and you have many times ahead of you - Lord willing. Keep up with your courage and strength and that beautiful smile you have that light up your pictures. May the Great Spirit be with you Now and Always

SANDRA R. 20 years, 8 months ago

So glad to hear you finally got to have surgery..NOW HERE'S to smooth sailing from here on out.. Will keep you and your family in my prayers

Cyndi G. 20 years, 8 months ago

I'm glad to hear JJ is doing well -- does anyone know which ICU she is in, and if she is taking visitors? Also, if she is, will she still be in the hospital this weekend? I'd like to go see her. :)

Teresa M. 20 years, 8 months ago

JJ, just wanted you to know that my thoughts and prayers have been with you on your surgery date. I am glad to hear that it went well. Hoping you have a speedy recovery. Lots of love, Teresa

Shelly I. 20 years, 8 months ago

JJ is out of surgery and she's in ICU. Dr. B said that she would be there for a few days but that she did really well and everything looks good. Thanks so much for all of your support, I know all of the prayers helped. Of course tough times are just beginning for JJ because of Jerry so please remember this family in your prayers. I will let you know more as I learn more. Shelly

Monique So Sweet 20 years, 8 months ago

Dearest Judy, I have been "lurking" here the past year and I have even posted a couple of times but I just wanted to let you know that YOU ARE AN INSPIRATION TO ME and I am sure to others! I've cried when I've read your posts and I've laughed with you as well. You are truly an angel. Good Luck on your surgery. Everything you've been through happens for a reason, and I personally believe that our almighty GOD NEVER gives us more than we can bear. And HE knew YOU could do this. Stay strong and may God Bless You and your loved ones. Monica

westexasgirl 20 years, 8 months ago

I will keep you in my prayers this week, both you and your family. You will do great!

Melissa S. 20 years, 8 months ago

My prayers will be with you as you go through the surgery and recovery. May your strength be restored; your recovery be swift and your tender heart be renewed.

Linda_Jones 20 years, 8 months ago

Judy, Cath is already at the hospital, and I'm sure you've already read your posts, but I want you to know how much we love you. Jay and I both wish you the most uneventful surgery and the speediest recovery known in wls history. May God surround you and Jerry and Megan with His peace and strength--and especially His love. Love from Jay and Linda Jones
About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 08, 2002
Member Since

Friends 13

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My Three Year Anniversary~A time of reflection and re-newed mot
Much Better Now.
I NEED HUGS!!!! (It's been a rough week)
Phew! What a struggle!
April 15, 2006 - Saved from old profile format
