
happyteacher posted a discussion topic 8 years ago
Just found out today that my sister is pursuing WLS. Not sure which type yet. She has talked with me about it before on countless occasions, but always a little scared to take the plunge. Her heart conditioning is worsening though so I suspect this is

happyteacher posted a discussion topic 8 years ago
I am wondering what folks are afraid of. Like the goofy things, maybe clowns or something like that. I am afraid of heights and bugs getting caught in my hair. What is your quirky fear?

happyteacher posted a discussion topic 8 years ago
Here in Michigan it was unseasonably warm. Like go outside in a tshirt and be Ok with that warm. It is February and that is nuts. But I am insanely grateful for the mild weather, as I am getting outside and enjoying it. I am a big believer in taking a

happyteacher posted a discussion topic 8 years ago
I totally have kitchen gadget disease and post surgery found that I cook waaaaay more than I use to. This is in part to eating clean, but also because when retraining myself on cooking/eating I took the time to invest in gadgets for the good of the cau

happyteacher posted a discussion topic 8 years ago
Been using these for quite a while. When I first started using them, they really stuck in place. Now they are falling off in less than an hour. Not sure if I got a bad batch, or if others are having the same issue?

happyteacher posted a discussion topic 8 years ago
I have been using the patch for a quite a while now, and used several packs of them. I have noticed on the stuff that came in my recent shipment the patches are falling off very easily. Back when I first started using them I practically had to chisel t

happyteacher posted a discussion topic 8 years, 1 month ago
Just thought I would post this for our folks that are newbies to the process. Acid is a little different post op for some of us. Preop I had awful Gerd, needed to take constant Tums and OTC meds for it, burning, etc. Post op here and there I have acid

happyteacher posted a comment 8 years, 2 months ago

happyteacher posted a comment 8 years, 2 months ago

happyteacher posted a discussion topic 8 years, 2 months ago
During my weight loss phase I ate a ton of yogurt. My family also substantially increased how much yogurt they ate, and I found I was dropping $20 a week or more on it and still constantly running out. I started making my own initially using one of tho

happyteacher posted a discussion topic 8 years, 2 months ago
Over the holiday break I finally had some more time to play with my Joule. If you are not familiar with sous vide cooking, you put the food in a Ziploc bag, sous vide bag, mason jar, etc. and cook it in a hot water bath. It is a slow cook, and it allo

happyteacher posted a discussion topic 8 years, 2 months ago
I have noticed that after a few days of eating very poorly I reaaallly don't want to weigh myself. For me, this is my red flag to get my butt back on track. Playing ostrich is what got us into morbid obesity and riding the river of denial will return u

happyteacher posted a discussion topic 8 years, 2 months ago
Once I had surgery I started using Torani SF salted caramel in my coffee and switched to SF coffee creamer. Post gallbladder removel I now have to do FF creamer. I was having trouble locating these locally not to mention the expense of it. I finally re

happyteacher posted a discussion topic 8 years, 2 months ago
Well, the holiday is winding up. I once again hosted the family get together and have strewn about the house all sorts of really terrible food choices. I know even this far out that I will struggle and eat way too much of the sugary treats if they are

happyteacher posted a discussion topic 8 years, 3 months ago
New toy that is a great tool to have for those of us who love tender cooked proteins! Joule is a sous vide appliance. If you are not familiar with sous vide it just means that you put your food items in a b

happyteacher posted a discussion topic 8 years, 3 months ago
I have made lasagna without noodles and instead using spaghetti squash- very tasty and pretty good stats. Tonight I had cooked the squash, then realized I didn't have the fat free ricotta. I have buckets of fat free plain yogurt though, so used that wi

happyteacher posted a discussion topic 8 years, 4 months ago
Ran out of my Salted Caramel sugar free Torani sryup. This time though, I couldn't spend the $100 on Netrition.com to get my bulk order (saving pennies to pay the daughter's rent while she is in college). I realized that it should be easy enough to mak

happyteacher posted a discussion topic 8 years, 4 months ago
I am sure most all of you are aware of how much sugar is in commercial ketchup. I started buying a sugar free version online at Amazon, but hated how pricey it was relatively speaking. In class I am teaching the nutrition unit, and we talk about the su

happyteacher posted a discussion topic 8 years, 4 months ago
Went to a new local joint and had a terrific pumpkin smoothie. Want to try to make it at home and found this recipe. If you tweek it (omit the maple or at least use a sugar free maple syrup) it actually has good stats. Stats shown are with the maple sy

happyteacher posted a discussion topic 8 years, 4 months ago
Did anyone read the article on OH about the newly approved AspireAssist? I know that I am a bit biased about wls procedures, as the sleeve has worked so well with me. I also have additional bias against any tubes coming out of me due to several years a

happyteacher posted a discussion topic 8 years, 4 months ago
Two current codes, and they are good through the end of December.
patchit30 good for 30%
patchauto good for 40% of auto renew orders

happyteacher posted a discussion topic 8 years, 4 months ago
A while back I posted about having delicious grilled chicken out of a parking lot f a grocery store, and wondered what the seasoning profile was. OH members were kind and offered suggestions, as apparently it is far more common out west than here in su

happyteacher posted a discussion topic 8 years, 4 months ago
Just curious if anyone out there developed lichen planus post op. I highly doubt there is any correlation, but given supplements are recommended for low d and such I thought I would ask.

happyteacher posted a discussion topic 8 years, 5 months ago
Found this article pretty interesting. It is just one study, so don't read too much into it. The study found that post menapausal women who lost weight

happyteacher posted a discussion topic 8 years, 5 months ago
I used my pressure cooker, but you could adjust this for an oven.
Ok, so got this idea off the Facebook page. Did not have a recipe, but it is tasty for sure! Instead of using noodles I used spaghetti squash. Meat sauce was a chicken meat sauce