It's in Tricare's Hands

Jul 14, 2008

Well, the patient coordinator called me today to let me know that my letter of medical neccessity and request for surgery was faxed in to TRICARE.  Geez....I CAN"T WAIT TO HEAR THAT IT"S APPROVED!!!!!!  Keep your fingers crossed!!!!!


Jul 10, 2008

Well, I met Dr.Owens today, he is very nice!!  We discussed all the ups and downs of the surgery and what not.  Anyway, now they are going to submit my letter of medical neccessity to TRICARE and I should have an answer within 2 to 3 weeks then we will hopefully be sheduling surgery as long as I get Approved!!!  Thanks for all the support!!!!!  Keep your fingers crossed for me!


Jul 04, 2008

Yay!! So, after I mailed the forms to my psychologist, like 2 days later, I get a phone call while we were on our way to San Diego, and it was Melissa(my psych)  I was sooo excited to talk to her  I guess the libraries fax machine wasn't stupid after all, lol.  She said I seemed pretty boring which would mean that I am normal.  Hooray, haha! She said she was happy to hear how educated I am about the procedures and etc.  So I got the "U go girl" smack on the back I guess  Since the screening went well over the phone, she went ahead and finished the whole thing over the phone which is sooo much more convient than having to drive round trip to LA with the way gas prices are.  Geez they are kickin my hiney.....Anyway so now I have completed another step in my process and just wanted to share!!  Have a great 4th!!

Getting Prepared

Jul 01, 2008

So, My consultation apt will be July 10th, I guess I have to bring in a copy of my most recent bloodwork that I have had done within the last three months and then I will do my pre-op physical so he can determine my medical neccissity of surgery to submit to TRICARE.  Also, got very frustrated with the fax machine at the library because, the paperwork for my psych eval wouldnt go through for some reason......GGRRR SO, we had to mail it in instead.  I swear my biggest fear is that I have made it this far and there is still that chance that I could be told no.  Please Pray for me!!!!!!!!!

About Me
San Clemente, CA
Surgery Date
Oct 16, 2007
Member Since

Friends 33

Latest Blog 14
Almost 4 months out!! YAY!!!
2 Months Post-OP Update
One month Post OP
One week Post Op Visit with Doctor!
Feeling wonderful!!!!
I am home and doing well!
The big day is nearing!!
Liquid DIet is drivin me nuts!!!!!!
Surgery is Scheduled!!!
