2 weeks pre op

May 29, 2009

i have to admit this was going to be a challenge in an odd way. as much as i want to do this, a shake diet wasn't going to be easy!!!
on top of all this, i had to quit smoking!!!! i did this to myself. i waited until the last minute, but i think when the dr hit me with the whole blod clot thing, i got scared. ( i am being treated for thrombosytosis ..high platlet count)
the first couple days were trying, then by the third day, i thought..boy, how i am not in jail is beyond me. i definately missed the cigarette more than the food. it's also amazing how we compensate one for the other. i got through this with the help and support of my husband family and friends.
i certainly kept myself busy during this time... as people were asking, are you ok? is the cat alive? lol

i remember going camping for the first time since being on the shake diet...that was hard. smelling the grills going, and watching everyone have a cocktail... it's amazing how things looks so much better when you cant have them... i had some moments....
the doc told me i can lose anywhere from 15-20lbs during this time...so i had that to keep me going...lol
i was certainly ready at the end of the 2 weeks... and all i kept saying to myself was..." this is part of your new beginning, how bad do you want it?"

did i mention i lost 16lbs in 2 weeks...yay!!!!!!!!!!

the approval

May 28, 2009

once the dr's office submitted the paperwork to the insurance company, it was the waiting game. luckily for me the  wait was only 2 weeks. i got teh letter saying i was approved. i felt like the publishers clearing house came and told me i won... minus the balloons and confetti...lol  i was so happy, and it was just one step closer to my new life.

now it was time to tell my family and close friends that i have made the final decision to do this. my mom was the first to know. of course she knows what it is like to deal with a weight issue seeing it has trapped her physically almost my entire life.  i finally told a few others including my sister in laws and my friend julie. i knew i would get their support, so maye that's why i went with them first. my sisters on the other hand... supportive but apprehensive.  i understad they were worried about my well being. after  a bit of information, and they realized i really wanted to do this, i got what i was looking for...

i got my appointment with dr pohl to finalize everything including  the date. which was scheduled for tuesday may 19th!!!!!!!!


6 months later... disgusted!!!

May 28, 2009

let me start by saying my husband was on this whole winter camping kick, and snowmobiling!!!!!!! you read correctly, snowmobiling. for those who know mw, i was in a complete panic!!!!  not so much about the snowmobiling itself, but panicing about where am i going to find gear that fits me, anm i going to fit on a snowmobile, etc????

well, luckily for me, we went away, and did out thing, adn yes i found stuff to fit..BARELY!!!!  i gotta tell ya, everytime i got dressed, it was a workout. i would pant like a dog, because i couldn't breath, and the anxiety went into overdrive. not to mention, i did this all for my husband, because i could've done without!

by this time, the eating was out of control. that's all i seemed to do. we ate out all the time, the holidays, etc...i mean out of control, so bad i was beyond digusted with myself!!!!!
it had to be right around new years eve, isn't that when everyone decides to do something about their weight???  i remember sitting on the couch in  my camper, having a meltdown. seeing all these commercials about losing weight, and being thin... i cried!!! and cried!!!! ( i think my husband was scared..)
i decided on nutrisystem. i figured it was one i haven't tried before, ( it was expensive) and maybe it did work...if you're ready. by the time it came in, and i started it, it was 2/09. this is the same time, i joined the "diet tribe" along with 3 other friends.

the diet tribe is a blog my friend julie started. it was more of a support group than anything... we vented, we cheered, etc... it was great, and still is. i currently utilize the tribe, and love it....(thanks julie!!!)
each one of us decided to do our own individual plan, and began blogging away about it. we all set a goal for 30 lbs in 90 days...i thought, this is going to be easy...YEAH RIGHT! long story short, i didn't make the 30lbs..but not off by a whole lot either...
in the midst of all this my appointment with dr pohl finally came up...yup... it took aout 6 months or so, but worth the wait. by this time, i was geared up to see him. i was already on the losing track. i went to the appointment, talked about the procedures again, and what we thought would be right for me. he gave me my physical, and handed me a packet of papers and said get this stuff done, and i'll see you then. as i looked at the packet, adn felt the thickness, i thought, really? are you kidding me?  who has time for this? maybe he thought he was going to lose me half way through... who knows???

at this point i met stacy. she is the wife of the contractor i hired to renovate my house. he sat and had lunch with me one day, and i was eating my nutrisystem... we got into conversation about diets, etc..(why? i dont know) and he mentioned that his wife had the surgery done.  he offered to introduce her to e, and i was in... i wanted to emet someone i could see and talk to that had it done...an everyday average jane doe like me...
after speaking with her, it was the validation i needed. i knew i was going to be ok. i got so excited and inspired i took that awful packet of papers out of the envelpoe, and began making my appointments, one after the other. i had completed the appointments within 30 days. endoscopy, sleep study x2, nutritionist x3, psychologist, etc... i did it all... i knew as i conquered one at a time, i wanted it more and more.
i must admit, when it came to the psych appointment i wasn;t sure if i should go in and tell them what they wanted to hear, or just be honest.. well needless to say, i made a promise to myself on the way there, and told them the truth, and what i was really feeling. i didnt want to fool myself, and honesty was the best policy, especially in a case like this! i wanted to make sure i did this for me and all the right reasons.
i found out i had sleep apnea( stopped breathing in my sleep approx 15 times an hour), most likely due to the weight, and my choloseterol was up a bit..but other than that, i had no other major issues, YET!
my paperwork got submitted....

the decision

May 28, 2009

before i start, i may be all over the place with this, but this is basically what i got.....

ok, so maybe not quite decion but the thought ran through my head. It was approximately one year ago i had come to thinking about the wls. all i know is i needed help.
i called and got a date to attend dr pohl's seminar. i remember it being right around the time of my birthday 6/08. of course that is a great time to start making "decisions" or "promises" about my weight, other than a new years resolution. i was all gun-ho with my new motto.... " 40, Fit and Fabulous" (even though i was only turning 39 at the time, i was planning ahead)

my husband, george and I attended the seminar. I had gone with the lapband in mind at the time. we were able to see both options, which the bypass, i bypassed..lol good thing my husband paid attention. we heard all the pros and cons, the do's and dont's etc... we got there a little early, or what i thought was early, only to find the room filling up faster than fast. it was unbelievable to see how many people were in teh same need as i was. by the time the seminar started it  was standing room only. as we got into the lecture, people started to leave. my only guess was they weren't ready for the change. at that point, i wasn't totally sold on it 100% but stuck it out, because i knew it was definately an option for me, whether not at that moment, but down the road.
this definately isnt for everyone... i am not sure if people were basing their decisions on this isn't something i can do, or not fitting their lifestyles,etc.. or just being scared!
part of me was thinking when and where, and the other part was fighting back, yelling "this is forever". it kinda felt like making a decision to marry  someone. this is a commitment for the rest of your life.
we stayed for the entire seminar. you had to inorder to get an appointment with the dr. phol. george was really into the whole surgery part. it was interesting. me being the emt, you would've thought i'd paid attention to that part..NOT!
(note: my husband weighs approx 140 lbs...so people were looking at him, and thinking, i hope to god he is only here for support...kinda funny...lol)
by the time we left, i was still interested in doing the lapband, only because i thought it was less invasive, and didn't scare me as much.
we came home and discussed it over and over and over again.. my husband kept saying this is all about you, and what you want, this decision is about your health, and that he would be there to support me until the end!... (he is the best hubby ever!)
i talked about it in passing to my family and friends. i certainly didnt get the "go for it" attitude i was expecting.
well, now it's getting into the camping season and you know what that means...eating and more eating, and the summer means drinking and more drinking...which inturn means more excuses...
this takes me right up to 12/08.


almost done

May 23, 2009

hi all... i am in the process of writing a journal if you will about my whole experience from the beginning of all of this... i am almost done to present. when i finish that, i plan on posting it on my blog...check back in a few days...it should be started. this should be interesting, but i hope it helps someone...
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About Me
Surgery Date
May 05, 2009
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