Mar 25, 2007

March 25,07
It has been awhile since I updated so thought I would bring you up to speed. I saw my surgeon on February 28,2007 and it went great. He talked about my history and what course I should take. He said that he wanted me to lose 25#. At my HMO they require you to lose 10% of your weight before they do surgery on you. He said everything looked good to go. I took along a list of questions for him and he answered all of them. First time in a Doctor's office that I did not feel like I was being rushed out. He sat there and listen to all of my concerns and answered all of them. He wondered why my husband did not come with me and said he likes to me his patience spouses. So he said to bring him next time.  Once I reach his 10% goal for me they will set up an appointment with the Case Manager and she will go over alot with me. She will send me to get all my last minute labs and anything I might need. She also will send me to two classes. Pre-op Nutrition and Pre-op Teach. This class is a preparation class for surgery. They explain how the operation will go and take you to the operating room so you can see everything. After leaving the Doctor I was figuring my 10% and I think I need to lose more than 25#.

Orientation Class

Feb 17, 2007

February 06,2007  Went to my orientation today. I received a binder full of all the information that my HMO wants us to learn. It was a five hour class and I learned some thing, but most of it I had already learned reading messages on this board. The surgeon who will be doing my surgery was there and walked us through the process of surgery. They told us that we would be notified in about 4-6 weeks to set up an appointment with the surgeon for consultation. Three days later I recevied a called from them asking me if I would like to see the surgeon on February 28,2007. I told her sure so I will be seeing him then. At that time he will go over my medical history. I was told to bring all medications that I am currently taking and any questions that I have for him. If he decides that I can have the surgery I must agree to all of his pre-surgery goals. The goals he sets for me will have to be met before I can have the surgery. These goals could be lifestyle changes, and any additonal testing, consults or procedures. They said I have to keep in touch with the hospital at least once a month. I must go to them to be weighed in, because that is the only weight they will go by. I will let you know how it all goes. Wish me luck ! pray please.

About Me
Surgery Date
May 16, 2006
Member Since

Friends 18

Latest Blog 12
One Month Check up
Had My Sugery
Two More Days Until Sugery
Two Classes
