
Jan 28, 2008

This pre opt Diet is no joke i just keep going and going and going. lol. Tomorrow is my big day, so i am asking you all to pray for me please.

Pre-opt Diet

Jan 27, 2008

Today  I started My Pre-opt Diet.
I brought the cherry flavored Magnesium and it taste horrible. I would have done better just sticking with the regular flavor. Yesterday idid my shopping for the surgery and boy did I spend alot of money, i guess becaue ibrought a bulk of everything, so it should last a long time.Also yesterday I went out to a reggae club and boy did i have fun, and what was great about it is that all the people that support me in my surgery was there. i'll post again tomorrow if i can stay put of the bathroom.LOl

I Ain't never scared

Jan 23, 2008

 I have always wanted to have gastric bypass, but i choose the Lap-band out of fear of losing my life. After talking to my OH friends , i really am comfortable with the surgery.

You guys have really helped me alot with information on the surgery, nutrition, excercise routines, emotionally, and with over coming my fears. The help that you all have giving to me I would ike to say think you. Also I would  like to help those whom wil be in the situation I am in now. I know my surgery will be a sucess with fiends like the ones i have on OH , Spouse support, and the Bomb a$$ $urgeon I have, and let not for christ. I am gonna be alright!

I meet with My surgeon again today. He really assured me I'll be O.k. The first visit I had with him, He asked if i had any questions. And as I recall, if i had any it was very limited. well today we went through the same routine, and he asked the same question but this time I had a list of 12 questionsand still managed to come up with more. He also was good with telling I would be ok. 

I am doing goodne with getting everyoe support. from  friends, co-workers, spouse, healthcare staff and my OH family. The only people that are not supportive are my family. They all think I am gonna Die! WHich is true and don't have to be from surgery. MAybe when it is all said and done the will be more understanding. This post it getting to wordy so i'll end it here with lost of love for my OH Family!

My Birthday

Jan 06, 2008

My birthday is Jan. 13th,2008, and boy am I going to party! I am having a party at Fisco on saturday and a tatto party on sunday. I think this is gonna be my last time partying for  a while! If you live c;lose by and are interrested in coming let me know!

I have a Date!

Dec 27, 2007

My surgery date is scheduled for january 29th,2008. I switced from lapband to route en y. those that know the word of the lord please pray fro me?

TO CLose FOr COmfort

Dec 18, 2007

I checked my voice mail today and i got approved for the sugery. I have to call them tomorrow for an date. i am so happy and confused right it is not funny. i am still asking you all to keep me in your prayers!

Getting closer

Dec 18, 2007

 Monday my Dr. submitted my request for surgery approval to the insurance company. I just hope its a go. Those that know the word of the lord please pray for me!

I am ALomost there

Nov 29, 2007

Yesterday i had my last appt. Now i just have to weight for insurance approval. Wish me Luck!

IT Worked!

Nov 21, 2007

I weighed myself Monday, and i did not have time to post. But on Monday my weight was 304.8 pounds. I follwed the diet and lost the weight with out excercise, even though i was very hungrey. so i think i'll do good with the lap band along with this diet. If any one wants to know how it works, just e-mail me!

Let the weightloss begin

Nov 12, 2007

Although I am atempting to have weight loss surgery, I am going to try another diet. Actually Its a life style change. My PCP referred me to a group called soulutons for wellness. I was told  the diet I could loss 3-4 pounds a week, and its free. I don't have to take any suppliments or buy anything special. You don't have to have the same PCP. If you are interrested you can go to www.sloutionsforwellness.com . I weighed in at 309 and next week i'll weigh in again to see if i lost 3- 4 pounds.

11/12/07 309 pounds

About Me
Philadelphia, PA
Surgery Date
Nov 08, 2007
Member Since

Friends 43

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I Need B12
Back To Work.
So Much 2 Talk About!
Sick Again
Making Moves!
I'm So Sick
IN THE 290'S
Home Sweet Home!
