Support Groups are Fantastic!
Mar 15, 2008
For those of you who are afraid to go to these groups, 'cause you don't know anybody, don't be afraid at all! I went to my 1st this past Thursday and felt so incredibly welcome even though I did not know a single soul!! At our group, there was only one other lap-bander & the rest by-passers. Since I've been working towards the lapband procedure, I was able to ask my questions and felt so comfortable asking them! This morning I went to PMRI in Wilmington for one of their clothing swaps. Although I have not been through the surgery yet, I have lost some weight on my own and was wondering how I was going to afford new clothes. Well, there's the answer. It was so much fun trying on clothes that I was sure wouldn't fit and they did!! The ladies there were so helpful, encouraging and cheerful. I got a real boost from both the support group meeting and the clothes swap this morning. I even went grocery shopping, got my hair done and came home to cook dinner afterwards! See what going to support groups can do for ya??!!!
Happy March!
Mar 02, 2008
I finally figured out how to add some photos to my blog. They're not too flattering, but in the longrun, will show how much my hard work has paid off. Even since these photos were taken around mid-February 2008 for the 2 photos of me in my blue outfit, I am now down to 23 lbs. lost pre-surgery. I still have 1 more lifeskills class to go and endocrin. clearance middle of March. Everything else is done.
Lifeskills Classes
Feb 25, 2008
Hello Everyone! I had my 1st lifeskills class this past Thursday. I have 2 more to go. Wow! Lots of changes. Keeping track of food intake is for the birds, but I guess it's what is needed to get through this. I have been keeping track on my own since Oct, but I was counting carbs; not calories. Now, I do both only 'cause I need to know the # of carbs to give the appropriate dose of insulin. My weight is going down just by keeping to this strict diet. I still don't know if I'll qualify for the lapband surgery since I'm already at 35 BMI. I plan to continue with the classes just in case. I'm already getting comments from some of my co-workers about continuing to lose weight without surgery. I know it's my & the doctors' decision. I'm concerned about being disqualified since I do have the co-morbidity factors & I do still carry most of my weight in my stomach which is dangerous, esp. for me with my heart disease. Hmmmm.
Valentines' Day Results
Feb 14, 2008
Hope everyone had a great Valentines' Day! Yesterday was my eval. day. I met with my R.N. & had my psyc eval. I learned a lot about myself just by answering the questions that they had for me. I was also able to figure out how to pose my unanswered questions. The mixed results from yesterday is that fortunately, I have, without surgery, brought my BMI down to 35. That is usually the cutoff for most insurance companies. I lost almost 20 lbs. between Oct 2007 & now. So, imagine what's going on in my head!!! My husband states that he has a good way for me to keep the weight on so as not to disqualify me for the surgery...he wants to feed me eclairs daily for the next month or so! Uh...No!! I've worked so hard at losing this weight & trying to keep my blood sugars under control. I know he was just kidding! I guess it's a good predicament! My plans are to continue with the classes & with the endocrinologist clearing and we'll see what's what. I should be done with the pre-reqs by April sometime. So, we'll see.
Thank You!
Feb 05, 2008
I've met several other Type I diabetics now, but seems like none of us have gone through either type of surgery yet. I feel much more confident though after reading so many stories and speaking to so many people. Thank goodness for this site! I never swayed from wanting to have this surgery. I just was not sure about the type. At this point, I feel that the lapband surgery is perfect for me. I am motivated & in fact, have lost about 16 lbs since mid-October on my own. It is NOT easy. I am hoping that the lapband will help me to lose even more. I'm still counting the days until my evaluation & still counting my carbs & sticking to my meal plan as well as I can.
I just wanted to thank you all for being here for me!
Valentines' Day
Jan 31, 2008
Well, I have several appointments on Valentines' Day. I'm still in the pre- stage & have not been approved by the surgical team for my lapband surgery. I will be meeting with the R.N., possibly with the endocrinologist & with the psychologist. Afterwards, I'll go for my 5th? nutritional counseling appt. I really look forward to working with my nutritionist! I have an advanced knowledge of nutrition/carb counting and I was looking for a nutritionist that would go above/beyond the basics. I definitely found one in Gabrielle! If she's reading these blogs...Thank you, Gabrielle! I still have not met any other Type I diabetics even though I've posted my message on a few different sites. It has been helpful reading about others' experiences & it definitely keeps me motivated. Wish me well at my appts next month on the 14th!
Jan 24, 2008
I'm on a mission to find any other true Type I, insulin dependent diabetics who have already/or will undergo either the lapband or gastric by-pass surgery. I have made up my mind either way, but am just curious to speak to someone in my situation. I've been working hard with my nutritionist to follow my diet and it has paid off some so far. I've officially lost 12 lbs. since starting in mid-October, but I think by next appt in February, I'll prove to myself that my bathroom scale is not wrong. I feel, and people have told me, that I've definitely lost more weight. It's really, really hard maintaining my diet & watching my blood sugars at the same time. I'm using an insulin pump and know that although the surgery will not take away my type of diabetes, it should make it so that my insulin dosage will be much reduced and hopefully, my blood sugars will be much easier to control after I lose the weight. My starting weight in October was 238. I'm excited to know that science has come up with these tools to help us on our road to weight loss. Now, only if science will catch up and cure all of us who have dealt with insulin dependent diabetes. I've done so for almost 36 years so far! It even amazes me!