Diane B. 20 years, 2 months ago

Hi Denise! Here we go again! Glad you got another date and hope that your ankle has healed! Big congratulations on your surgery date again! I bet you are so excited! Just hang in there and try to be patient! Don’t worry if you are nervous, scared, excited or go through a thousand different emotions. This is all normal, so go with the flow! There’s really nothing you can do with all those feelings surfacing. You may start to doubt yourself and question your decision to have surgery. Just about everyone has had this happen to them. You’re making a decision to have a better quality of life and YOU deserve it!! That gut feeling or that little voice inside lets you know that you’re doing the right thing! Remember that we’re all family here and we’re ready to give you our support, lend an ear and not judge. You know you can always come here and get a dose of confidence and good will! There are lots of us who have had surgery and are in your corner rooting for you!! I just wanted you to know that I was thinking about you today and that you are in my thoughts and prayers for a successful, problem-free surgery and recovery. I’m so happy for you. Soon you will be on the other side and will join the ranks of the losers. Get ready for your life to change forever. Wishing you much success in your weight-loss journey. Hugs to you today. God bless, DI from NJ – Lap RNY, 12/09/03 -52 lbs ~In Loving Memory of Momma Angel~

Diane B. 20 years, 3 months ago

Hi Denise! Congrats on having your surgery! I bet you feel relieved now. It's over and now you are on the other side and can join the ranks of the losers. Welcome, my friend!!! Happy RE-Birthday to you! From this day forward you life will change forever. Just try to take it easy and remember to sip, walk, deep breathe and cough. These first few days are rough, but I assure you they get better with each passing day. I just wanted you to know that I was thinking about you today and that you are in my thoughts and prayers for an uncomplicated, swift recovery. You are an official loser!! Wishing you much success in your weight-loss journey. Soft hugs to you today. God bless, DI from NJ - Lap RNY, 12/09/03 -53 lbs

Darlilly1313 20 years, 3 months ago

Denise, congratulations on the start of your new journey. I wish you all the best. God bless.

blister 20 years, 3 months ago

May God bless you tomorrow and everyday.

kysunshine 20 years, 3 months ago

Denise, Best wishes and prayers tomorrow. Take care and God Bless.

LisaSpi 20 years, 3 months ago

Good luck on your upcoming surgery! I pray you have a speedy recovery! Lisa WFAD

OLD RODEO C. 20 years, 3 months ago

Best wishes to you on your upcoming, life saving surgery. We are both so pleased to be writing to you and sending all of our heartfelt congratulations to you for choosing this procedure to extend your life and to let you live your life to the fullest extent. We both had open rny's in 2001. Mine (Doug, aka: OLD RODEO CLOWN PANTS), was in Oct and I have lost 215 lbs. I started at 450!!!! My sweet wife, Nancy, had hers in June and has lost 110 lbs. We invite you to go read our profiles and hope it might help you in some way. We are not professional writers, but all that we wrote is true and honest. Just remember that YOU WILL SUCCEED!!! BELIEVE IN YOURSELF AND YOU CANNOT FAIL. We wish you all the best, a problem free surgery and recovery and a rapid weight loss. From: Doug and Nancy, SO. CALIF.

summewe 20 years, 3 months ago

Denise - Thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery. Please keep us updated on your progress. -- Wendy

Jenn R. 20 years, 3 months ago

Denise, I hope that this journey is wonderful for you. Let us know your progress! Take care.

jmmurphy 20 years, 3 months ago

Hi, Denise. You're almost there. Ready to become the incredible shrinking woman? Take it one day at a time and pamper yourself a little (or a lot!) Your about to start a whole new life. Godspeed on your journey. Joanne
About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 26, 2003
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
This was taken in Turks and Caicos when I was on vacation in 2003. I remember feeling like I was dying due to the heat. I was so heavy and uncomfortable at this time in my life. Thank God for WLS!!!
268 lbslbs
July 2005. Almost a year post-op!
120 lbslbs

Friends 32
