va girl 18 years, 10 months ago

Good Luck David. Your new journey is just beginning. I hope you have an uneventful surgery and a speedy recovery. My sister has her surgery on Thursday here in Maryland. So, you both will celebrate your new B'day in April. Best Wishes. Va Girl

Dx E 18 years, 10 months ago

David, Have the Greatest Ever on the 1st!! It’s good to see more guys out here on Obesity Help. We make up a small minority of the people having Weight Loss Surgery, but tend to lose down quicker and with fewer hassles than the women due to Male Physiology. Drop by the "Men's Message Board" at- -to see how other Guys are doing with their surgeries. A lot of info and advice specifically tailored to Men. I’m just dropping by to let you know that there’s a huge crowd of strangers out here pulling for you and holding you in our prayers. May you have a famously successful surgery and a record-breaking recovery! Be nice to the nurses, Enjoy the drugs when you can, and most importantly, hurry home and start walking away from those pounds and into a new Life! Best Wishes-

Jinxygirl 18 years, 10 months ago

David, I hope you have an easy, non-eventful surgery and an even easier recovery. Welcome to a new phase of your life. Enjoy the journey. God bless!

bikinibound 18 years, 10 months ago

OK - I'm the first one here so I get to break you in. Get ready for the most life altering experience of your life except parenthood ! The rewards will be great and your life will be so much more fulfilling ! It is truly the difference between living and existing. KEEP IN TOUCH ! Love, Lisa - the sister who blazed the trail ! LOL
About Me
Chesapeake, VA
Surgery Date
Nov 22, 2005
Member Since
