Dawn: Congratulations and Welcome to the loser's bench. I am so happy for you especially since you have waited so long. I can't wait to hear from you. WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO You are a loser!!!! {{{{HUGS}}}} Love ya, Brenda
Dawn, Congrats on your surgery hun, may your recovery go smooth and quickly. Now after you start to heal some you can start enjoying your new life, I wish you the very best. ~hugs~
Dawn made it through surgery with flying colors!!! I'll be calling her tomorrow at hospital to see how she is doing and will report back here and let you all know!! Yay!! Congrats, Dawn!!
Dawn made it through surgery with flying colors!!! I'll be calling her tomorrow at hospital to see how she is doing and will report back here and let you all know!! Yay!! Congrats, Dawn!!
May your Guardian Angel watch over you through your surgery and recovery. May your friends and family support you through your new lifelong journey. Welcome to the losing side!
Dawn; As you have surgery my prayers are that you will have a successful procedure and a speedy recovery. I am so glad you are joining us on the journey to a healthy and happier life
Dawn: May your surgery be uneventful and your recovery speedy. May God guide the hands of your surgeon. I have a spot saved for you on the loser's bench. {{{{HUGS}}}} Brenda