Trying to get used to the stares

Mar 06, 2009

I am back to work. I have worked 4 hours a day.. with a 10 pound restriction. I am  slowly getting my strength back. I will be starting a rountine of going to the gym next week.  I am still waking up pretty sore.. not sure if it is from the surgery... or what.  I am eager to get back to my old self. I do feel like I have more energy. Since going back to work... I know co workers are staring.. my family does alot of starring also... but I guess they are all just curious etc. Everyone has been very supportive and I DO appreciate it more than they would EVER know!! My wishes now are that my husband will seek some help with weight loss.... whether it be surgery or what.. he is about 6' 5" and weighs I am guessing 525 or so?? Please pray for him too... You all are so great on here... KEEP Pushing forward...




Feb 21, 2009

Wow.. where do I start. I do have to say... at first I thought to myself, what have I done? But a sceond later I am more motivated than ever! I am already smaller than I have been in about 15 years.  I am going to document my surgery day for future reference.

Arrived at hospital at 7 am. Checked in.

Went to floor 3 and was taken in to change into my pretty hospital gown.

By 8 am I had my IV in and was pretty cumfy in the recliner with a heated blanket over me. My daughter Terri, my sisters Carla and Carol Sue and My mom was in there with me. I really wasn't as nervous as I thought I would be.  Soon after the anesthesiologist came in spent about one minute I was ready to head to surgery. The nirse asked if I wanted to walk or wheel in to the operating room. I walked. Before I left my family I hugged them all and said how much I love them. I remember turning and said "God pointed me in this dierection" and off I went.

It was 8:30 am and I was asked to lay on the table. I got up on the table and got settled and the little nurse stood over my head with the mask.  The gentlman said "you are going to have oxygen now" and poof.. I wake up and I did ask for pain medicine. The nurse said I would have to wait cause my blood pressure was too low ... I was a little concerned but felt ok. It was maybe 10 mintues and she gave me pain medicine and I was on my way to my room. ROOM 315.  I stayed in the hospital until about 5 pm the next day. I was pretty sore on my right side. He had cleaned up some scar tissue from a previous gall bladder surgery.  WOW ... standing up was a trick... my legs hurt the first day or so.. trying to compensate for my stomach.  Terri brought me a bunch of flowers and a get well balloon!  My grand daughter really liked the balloon!
All in all, I definely feel I made the right choice. 
*sidenote* I have a dear dear aunt that is dying of pancreatic cancer. I need to focus on living! Bless you Aunt Betty!

Onward I GO !!!!!!



Jan 10, 2009

I went to the doctor one last time December 29th, 2008. This made my 3rd consecutive month and 6 total visits in the past 12 mos. This is what my insurance required. I have met all the other requirements as well.  After my appointment I called the surgeons office to let them know I had met the requirements so they could ask for the documentation from my doctor. I waited until January 7th and called the surgeons office to see if they received the info they needed to submit to insurance. I talked to Melanie.  Melanie said they had requested the info on Dec. 30th and again on January 6th and they had not responded. She asked me to hold on a minute. She was going to check her in box.  Melanie got back with me and said she did get something from my doctor but had not read it yet.  She said if she didnt need anything else she would submit it to insurance. So I was HAPPY! On Wednesday evening I came home after going to dinner with my sister Denise... and I was talking on the phone with another sister.  My husband says.. oh by the way.. your surgeons office called today.. they want to schedule a surgery date!!!!!!!!!!!!  I was SO HAPPY!! I told hubby.. that should have been the first thing out of your mouth as soon as I walked in the door!!!!!!! I called my surgeons office the next morning and we set the date for February 10th!!!!!!!!! I NEVER thought I would be so happy to be going on a liquid diet for 2 weeks

This site is SO great... helps me in so many ways. When any of you are saying prayers.. keep me in mind if you would..
Take care.. until next time

Darla ( S.T. B.B.) Soon to be banded  

Meeting with my DOC one more time to make 6!

Dec 12, 2008

Well, I meet with my doc one more time to make the requirement of the insurance company.  With the financial hard times hitting so many people, I am finding myself under the catagory of the unknown right now.  My hours may be cut but they don't know how much. This makes me very stressed. Since August, my brother-in-law died at age 48, my father-in-law died a couple weeks ago of a long battle with Alzhimeres(?) and today I found out my husbands uncle died. Tuesday I went to the emergency room with a kidney stone!! GEEZ... well, I seem to be doing well now.. but I am keeping my pain meds close. 

My granddaugter is SO neat. My daughter and I took her to see Santa. Mind you she is 19 mos. old.  She walked past the gate and took off running toward Santa and jumped into his arms as though he was her long lost friend!! She didn't stay on his lap long but we did get a picture. When leaving the mall we went back by Santa... she did it AGAIN... jumped into Santa's arms and laid on his shoulder as he patted her back. Thank goodness we had a camera. She laid on his shoulder for like 3 minutes!!!!! Hilarious...!! We are so glad we have pictures of that... memories are so much of our lives!

I am getting SO anxious for my surgery!!  So many of my daily problems would be wiped out. To start my day... I am kind of sore all over. Stiff at first. Legs don't seems to want to work at first. I have plantar fasiitis on my left foot. My right knee has been scoped back in 1998. It gives me problems. My right hip gives me problems (pain and stiffness) at times. My low back is stiff and sore much of the time. It seems to be getting to be too much for me!!!!!!!!  With my job, I am on my feet most all day, some standing in one place to walking and lifting boxes etc. 

Well, I need to come here more often, and talk (write) out the things that happen to me and things I want to offer as a reminder of what I started with and what my goals are etc. I need a sounding board so to speak.

Until next time


Oct 03, 2008

Well, I asked the insurance gal to submit my paper work for surgery. I knew that they may deny me because I had not seen my doctor for a total of 6 months in the last 12. Well, I was denied. they said I had to see my doctor for 2 more visits.  I have cleared all the other hurdles!! I think this is the way to go. Get all the tests, classes, etc first. That way they pay for all that... upfront. I am still VERY excited about this surgery. It looks like I will have to wait until just after the first of the year. : (    But..... I will be more ready than ever!! I am hoping to lose 25 to 30 pounds prior to surgery anyway!!

Till next time


Sep 20, 2008

I am getting kind of anxious for things to move along.  I know I could be waiting up to a couple more months, and that seems so far off.  I will try and be patient... it will happen for me.  I have had a few people lately say they think I should rethink my decision. I have my mind set. I want a better quality of life. It has gotten pretty old and tough.. coming home from work, hurting and sore. It takes all the energy I have to work my full day. I am on my feet most of my work hours... I go Wed. and pick up my Cpap machine (JOY) One more thing. I am so excited to be able to wear regular socks, wear more comfy clothes, have lots more energy to play with my grand daughter. ( Did I tell you I am a grandma? ) I love this little rascal so much. Well, later

One more hurdle cleared!

Sep 05, 2008

I went last week and had a sleep study. Well, yes I do have sleep apnea. I go Saturday Sept. 13th to have a cpap machine fitted. It did not come to a surprise to me. I believe I need perhaps one more month to have documentation and I should be good to go. I will not let the insurance company discourage me if they require more info!! I just had an interview for a new job within the postal service.. which I am SO excited for. the killer is that I may have to wait up to 90 days to find anything out! I am so inspired by reading all the stories about weight loss and how it has changed lives! I think people that do not have weight issues do not understand how much a person misses out on... and the emotional rollercoaster a person goes through. I thank the good lord for helping find this site!

All take care
till next time

I met my surgeon today

Aug 18, 2008

I met my surgeon today for the first time. I am pleased that I have lost 7 pounds since my last doctors visit about a month ago. We discussed both the lap band and the RNY.  I still want the lap band. My sister went with me as my support person. I know I will be able to count on her for support when I need it. ( Which could be often to start with . )  With each visit, each time I mark off a step in this process the more anxious I become. I think I will get out my information and go buy some protein things. I will have to remember PROTEIN FIRST!! I think that will be what will help me be successful!! I am hoping to have lost 20 to 30 pounds prior to my surgery. Tomorrow I see the sleep study doc. for a consultation. Then if needed I will have a sleep study. I guess it won't hurt to have a study done. So far, this has been my outlet to really say / type what I am really feeling. I am somewhat of a private person. I keep a lot of things to myself. I have an appointment for exercise and nutrition next week. I could always use some pointers on those issues  This is me jumping through the hoops for the insurance company. They will NOT defeat ME!! I will get approved!!
Till Next time

Getting anxious

Aug 16, 2008

Well, I meet my surgeon for the first time Monday! My sister went to him for gastric bypass and she has been very successful! I think she has lost about 150 pounds! She had her surgery back in 2005. All I can think about is when I went to my first visit / class... the nurse mentioned that what ever I do .. DO NOT GAIN WEIGHT when you see the surgeon because he will not see you! Well, I have stopped drinking pop and have been doing ok with my eating. I still am not sure I have lost much if any. I guess I will see Monday. I have many appointments next week. I have an appointment with the sleep study doctor to set up my sleep study. I see my regular doc Wednesday to make it 3 consecutive months of seeing doc and talking about weight loss, nutrition, and exercise. I will request seeing the health coach. I am SO hoping that I can have this surgery sometime in October.   Till next time.....


I Passed!

Aug 07, 2008

Well, I passed my psych. evaluation! One more hurdle! Sleep test and the two remaining classes about what to expect with the surgery and class on nutrition and exercise. Hoping that the insurance company will approve the Lap Band Surgery!!

Until next time...

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Jul 26, 2008
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