26 pounds lost

Apr 19, 2023

In a month I've lost 26 pounds without being in an institution by cutting down my meals, It was very hard to do but I managed to lose just over 25 pounds in a month. My goal is to get under 700 next month

Weight right now is 727 Pounds


Bought a new scale and.... uh oh

Mar 24, 2023

So I bought a scale to goes up to 800 pounds, It's been only 2 weeks since I weighed 676 Pounds, my weight now is 753 Pounds. I've been trying to follow a good diet but there has been too much temptation in the house. I'm not sure what to do at this point, My eating addiction is out of control and I don't know what to do.


Dramatic Weight loss

Mar 13, 2023

Hey guys, I have some good news, so almost 2 months ago I weighed 829 Pounds, now I weigh 676 Pounds. I'm fit to go home now, wish me luck


Back here once again

Feb 20, 2023

Hey guys, I'm back here to talk about my recovery, So I was admitted to Brookhaven Rehabilitation & Health Care Center weighing 829 Pounds (My highest yet) (BMI=98.3) (haven't had my height recorded since I was 17 at 6'3", 6'2.5", now I am 6'5" as of today, I wish they could let you edit your height.) The good news is, I've lost 116 Pounds in a month following an 800 calorie a day diet as oppose to my 20,000+ calorie a day diet at home. Down to 713.4 Pounds as of today. I'm planning to stay there for another month so I can get surgery. Here comes the bad news, I hate it here, the food sucks, you are only allowed two meals, I don't know anyone here and some people are mean to me because I am in general a very slow person with autism, also I have flat feet. The physical therapy is good, I've always been super mobile probably because of my height. I hope this next month goes better and peace out.



Jan 21, 2023

Hey guys, Dan Sobel here and yesterday I was the heaviest I ever was at 821 Pounds (BMI 102.6), But I also got admitted to a food addiction clinic. For an assignment they wanted me to write down what I ate before the clinic and what I eat now

Before the clinic

Breakfast: 24 eggs

2 pounds of cheese

1 stick of butter

1 pound of bacon

4 liters of Coke

Snack: 2 Large sausage and pepperoni pizzas

2 Liters of Coke

Lunch: 8 sandwhiches with Bacon, cheese and Ham

4 Liters of Coke

Supper: 4 Pounds of steak

2 Family size bags of fries

6 Liters of coke

Dessert: Whole Carrot Cake 

2 Liters of Coke


What I eat in the clinic

Breakfast: 2 egg omelete with turkey sausage

Lunch: Turkey Burger with zuchinni fries

Supper: fillet of Salmon with vegetable medley


I'll be staying there for 2 months and hope to be down more than 100 pounds



Jan 13, 2023

Hey Everyone Dan here, It's my 24th birthday. I'm happy about that but what i'm not happy about is that my weight as of yesterday was 799 Pounds, A weight gain of 68 Pounds in a month. I am in the process of getting checked back in for the rehab facility. They are planning on keeping me there longer till I'm under 600 Pounds, though my insurance is not too happy about this. I'm not sure what to do.


Dramatic weight loss

Dec 11, 2022

On November 8th I weighed a massive 812 Pounds, Now December 11th my weight has went down to 731 Pounds, meaning I lost 81 Pounds in a month. I hope to continue my weight loss at home, which tomorrow I will be discharged and I will control my diet. See yah my users!



Nov 15, 2022

I've contacted Dr. Now, he says when I get under 600 Pounds, I could be qualified for surgery and I can travel down to Houston. I'm about 785 Pounds now, a total weight loss of 27 Pounds in a week. Thanks for all the support and Have a nice day


Checking myself in an outpatient rehab facility

Nov 11, 2022

Hey y'all.

Dan Sobel here again, I've decided to check myself into rehab for food addiction. They checked my weight 3 days ago and I was 812 Pounds, I'm about 6'3" so my bmi was 102, but in those 3 days I've lost 13 pounds and I'm under 800 Pounds, I'm hoping to get under 600 for the DS surgery. I haven't been under 600 since I was 16 so that'll be exciting. I'm also trying to get in contact with Dr. Younan Nowzaradan, maybe he can do the surgery (who knows).

See y'all later.


Nearly 800 Pounds, giving up hope

Sep 05, 2022

Hi, I've been on here for more than half a year and I have gained a lot of weight. I'm up to 774 Pounds, My height is 6'2.5" so my BMI is 98. I have tried a lot of diets from weight watchers, slimfast, you name it. But the problem is I consume in excess. I logged my food about 7 months ago and I ate about 17,000 calories in the day. I'm probably guestimating I eat over 20,000 at this point becuase I keep gaining weight faster and faster. I'm scared I'll become Imomobile soon, what should I do?


About Me
Dix Hills, NY
Jan 21, 2022
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