The Surgery that Was Not A Surgery...

Jun 15, 2009

I am so bummed out. I got up this morning. I followed all of the procedures. I went to the hospital and even was placed on IV and under sedation. And then I wake up in recovery only to discover that I did NOT get my surgery. For a minute I thought I was just drowsy...but I really did not get my procedure. Apparently the anesthesia worked really well and my throat would not open at all to allow the proper tubing for the procedure. (Way to go throat...of all  the times be stubborn about chose now). So I have to go back on Friday...more IV and more sedation.

Oh well, nothing comes easy and safety comes first and I so want to be able to talk after this procedure is done.

Until next week. I will stay positive and it's off to work I go tomorrow...



May 22, 2009

I got the call that I have been waiting for today! My prayers have been answered and I will be having my gastric bypass surgery on June 15, 2009! I cannot believe that less than a month away, everything will change! I have so much to prep for, but I am anxious, excited and nervous all at the same time. I am just so excited for the future and for the possibilities now...


I got a call today...what does it mean???

Apr 20, 2009

So I got a call today from Dr. Singh's office from the scheduling coordinator. Is this a good sign? Am I approved? The anxiety of waiting to find out until tomorrow is bothering me...I guess I just have to have some patience and see...

The Fear of Flight

Apr 18, 2009

So it begins with US Airways...the "fat" fee...

And of course I have to fly for work in a few weeks. Although I have lost a few pounds since I have last flown, I am terrified of getting on the plane (though thank goodness it is NOT US Airways) and asking for an extension!

I am actually queasy not about the prospect of flying, but about the ability of getting on the plane and sitting in my seat.

Oh the irony...


About Me
Columbia, MD
Surgery Date
Apr 10, 2009
Member Since

Friends 21

Latest Blog 14
