Halfway There! 77 down, 75 to go!

Sep 11, 2008

(posted on the VSG message board)

Hi all!

I haven't posted much lately, & really haven't been on the boards reading as much as before either.  Life's routine is getting in the way, which I'll take to mean I'm finding some balance between my focus on weight loss & living amongst those who haven't had & aren't considering WLS!

But I've crossed the halfway mark as of today & thought I'd put that out here.  It's been 5 months to the day since I started my pre-op diet, & 4.5 months since surgery.  I'm thrilled with my weight loss.  It could have been more, but it could have been a lot less too, so I will celebrate the positive! 

I'm off all medication & hope to be re-tested for sleep apnea after 6 mos to see if I can stop using my CPAP.  I am down 4 sizes in clothes (from 26 to 18), & down 1 shoe size (go figure!).  I can move so much easier.  I don't need the seat belt extender on airplanes.  I can tie my shoes w/o cutting off my airway.  I'm getting stronger & stronger w/ working out.  Walking up hills or upstairs isn't repulsive to me.  I'm better at recognizing food triggers, though I still don't always make the right choices.  I'm not perfect, never have been, never will be!

Are there downsides?  Sure.  New clothes & shoes are expensive!  My hair started thinning as of a few weeks ago.  But I know it will grow back.  Look up flabby in the dictionary & you'll see a picture of my arms.  It's often too easy to overeat if I don't follow the rules (dense protein first, or else I can eat way too much), but the VSG has been a gift that helps me get back on track before doing much damage.  Tiny tummy won't let me pig out, so even a "binge" is 1/3 what it used to be.  And with every poor decision I learn more about myself.  Before surgery I wouldn't have given it a 2nd thought.  

My next goal is to get to the 100 lb mark.  I want to hit it @ 6 mos post-op, but we'll see.  That will also mean Onederland. Onederful!! 

Has this been hard, yes.  Has it been worth it?  Absolutely.  Am I afraid of regaining in my future?  Utterly terrified.  But I will face this head on knowing I have the best tool available!

Good luck to everyone here with your journey. It's as personal & unique as each of us!  But this site & specifically this board remains a fantastic source of support, information, & inspiration.  Thanks much!

60 lbs down & just "obese"

Jul 20, 2008

I'm about 2.5 months post-op.  As of today I've lost 60 lbs. since April 14th (start of pre-op diet), & my BMI is now under 40.  WOO HOO - I'm no longer extremely obese!

A recent post on the VSG board asked at what point we "loved our sleeve."  This was my response & I thought I'd post it here too.

I'm not sure why, but I was never nervous about doing this & I never second guessed myself, before surgery or since.  Once I made up my mind to have the VSG, it was 1 of the most peaceful decisions I've ever made, even walking into the operating room. 

That said, I wouldn't say I "love" it.  I loved eating.  I love food.  People asked me before surgery if I was excited.  NO WAY!  I was resolved to do it b/c I felt it was necessary.  

On the other hand, if instead I could know I would have died fat (& happy) @ a young age (I'm 41 now) w/ no health complications (no pains, no disease, no physical suffering), I think I would have been ok w/ that.  I'll say it again - I loved eating! I was passionate about food.  It was the fear that came with seeing those health complications starting that lit the fire under my a** to do this.  I'd tried on my own w/ no long term success.  It was time to take drastic measures & better my odds. 

Am I happy with my decision?  So far, absolutely YES.  I have not regretted it once.  I just wish it hadn't been necessary.  I feel better & I can move better.  So many things are easier.  But in my opinion the true test comes years from now.  Ask me again in 2, 5,  20 years & see how I feel.  Will I have kept the weight off?  I sure hope so, but the maintenance phase has always been more concerning to me than the losing phase.  I'm trying to learn as much as I can while this is new & establish good strong habits b/c I know this is the "easier" part for me.  Not that it's been easy so far, it hasn't.  But the harder part comes once the losing is over & I need to maintain for the rest of my life!

Do I miss eating the way I used to?  Yes.  Not all the time, but sometimes.  It's hard to know I can only handle a couple of bites of something I really want more of.  But this is where the learning happens for me. I'm learning I can always have more later.  It's not likely to be the last time I'll ever have X food.  I'm learning to savor a bite of cake vs inhaling a huge piece.  Oddly enough, I find I enjoy the bite more than I ever enjoyed the huge piece!  I'm learning to say no for now, & know I can always say yes next time. 

The journey is so different for each of us.  We all came to this place w/ our own baggage, & our own "lens" to look through.  This is all just my perspective!  I hope my ramblings help!

7 Weeks Post-Op

Jun 17, 2008

Happy days as the stall, plateau, cruelty, or whatever you want to call what my body did for 3 wks, ended!  The scale finally started moving down again Friday 6/6 (my bday!).  As of today I am down 47 lbs. 

It was a Wii birthday!  I got Wii Fit a week early & it is FUN!!  I’ve got a long way to go before I can do a lot of the yoga or strength stuff, but I’m having a blast w/ the balance & aerobic parts.  For those who haven’t played, as you spend more time playing Fit, you unlock more activities.  It tracks your time with the Fit Bank (shaped like a digital piggy), & also tracks your weight & BMI.  The best/worst part is every time you step onto the Balance Board it either says “GREAT!” or it groans!!  The groaning cracks me up – just what I need – now the da*n game is telling me I’m fat! J 

Mom, dad, DP & I spent a long wknd in Tahoe for my bday.  We had a wonderful time!  We enjoyed the beautiful weather & took a cruise around the lake Saturday .  Other than that we walked around & spent a good deal of time & money in the casinos (luckily we didn’t lose anything).  M&D gave me a Flip video camera I’d wanted, & I had fun playing w/ it all wknd.  If you haven’t seen it, check it out – it’s small, inexpensive, & easy to use.  

Eating is going well.  I’m trying many new foods as long as they’re somewhat soft & moist.  Fish seems to be working best, and scallops in particular are very good. We ate out @ restaurants & buffets all wknd in Tahoe which gave me a chance to try small bites of several foods.  I still haven’t tried any starches, sweets, raw veggies, or anything w/ a tough skin (& no alcohol for a year).  All in due time!  

As of a wk ago my surgery restrictions are lifted so I’m  back at the gym w/ my trainer. Hopefully the strength training will help me avoid another stall!  Is this really me talking?  Words like gym, trainer, strength training, small bites, no sweets?  All so new to my vocabulary!  My dinner Saturday night was enough for my lunch Sunday & today – 3 meals from 1 dinner!!  Are you kidding me??  It really is a whole new world!!!

So far I'm very happy with my decision to have WLS & with the choice of VSG.  I'm able to eat more than I'd expected, so I'll need to be careful & not slack on my responsibility to make good choices!  

I can bend over & tie my shoes.  I can fold my arms.  I can spend 30 minutes on the elliptical! I can fit into clothes I haven't worn in years. All small things, but pretty cool to me!

Memorial Day Update (5/26) 4 wks Post-Op

May 26, 2008

I’ve lost 36 lbs. However the scale hasn’t moved since a week ago Saturday & I’m not happy about it.  Apparently it’s normal to hit a “stall” around this time (according to my dr & many who have had this surgery), but it is still frustrating!  It doesn’t seem possible w/ the calories I’m consuming & expending that I am not losing daily!  

I’m eating “soft” foods.  I still do protein shakes, at least 1/day, usually adding a 1/3 of a small banana or a handful of strawberries.  My favorite food find has been powdered peanut butter, called PB2 by Bell Plantation.  It has 75% less fat than regular PB & is 27 calories/Tablespoon.  It’s helped flavor many of my shakes.  Decaf espresso/coffee & sugar free syrups (like Torani) are also good. 

I have been experimenting with other sources of protein: cottage cheese, refried beans, tuna w/ some light mayo, eggs, Stringster cheese (sticks of soft cheese), creamy peanut butter & shaved lunch meats.  Soups are still good, though they get cold too fast.   

Typical meal size is between 2 & 4 oz depending on what it is.  For soup I can do more as liquids are going down just fine.  Most other things are around ½ cup.  My daily guidelines are 600-800 calories, 70-90 g protein, < 40 g carbs, < 30 g fat.  The calories, protein, & fat are no problem.  The carbs are really tough.  I have to plan everything I’m going to eat to stay under 40.  And I’m not even talking about trying anything starchy like rice, pasta, potatoes, oatmeal, etc.  A small banana has nearly 30.  8 strawberries have 10.  ½ cup of refried beans – 20.  I was amazed!  

I saw my PCP last week & she was very happy.  I’m off all medications other than an acid reducer (required post-op for 3 mos or more) & my allergy stuff.  My only restriction on activity is I can’t lift more than 5 lbs until 6 wks post-op.  So, I’m going to the gym nearly every day & either walking on the treadmill or riding the recumbent bike.  

I’ve weaned myself off of naps (darn!).  Since I go back to work tomorrow, I figured I needed to be able to stay awake thru the day!  It’s been fine.  My energy level is higher!

My 1st Post-Op Appt 5/16/08

May 16, 2008

The doc is pleased, which is nice.  Incisions are healing well.  I'm feeling pretty good.  I've lost 17 lbs since surgery on 4/28 (33 lbs incl pre-op diet).  I have to work on the calcium & iron supplements (I just want to be able to swallow pills!  Chalky chewables - ick!!).  

Daily guidelines as long as I'm in the weight loss phase are 600-800 cal, 70-90 g protein, <40 g carbs, <30 g fat.

He said I could start trying mushy/soft foods now, but to go slowly (eggs, cottage cheese).  He also mentioned that if I can handle it, to continue doing the protein drinks for another week.  While I can move to soft foods, with the protein drinks I'll have the best control of my calories & therefore max my weight loss.  He said to him it's all about how to best help me lose weight @ this point, & not to worry about getting back to various foods.  That will happen, & I don't need to rush it (sounds sort of the KISS philosophy - Keep It Simple Stupid).

I will keep doing probably 2 drinks a day for now at least, & maybe play around w/ the 3rd meal.  He recommended as long as I'm doing a protein drink, to have 1 for dinner.  This way I ensure my evening meal before bed is lightest (since that's a low activity time vs throughout the day).  Sounds fine to me!  That's an easy dinner to make after I come home from work!

I told him I was getting bored of walking.  He said I have to wait a bit more before I can go back to strength & resistance training, but I can try riding the recumbant bike & the elliptical (which I haven't tried before for more than about 48 seconds!).  

Next appt is @ 3 months!

2 Weeks Post-Op

May 11, 2008

Changes during week 2 weren't as drastic as during week 1.  I can't believe what a difference each day made during week 1!!

Just to highlight more of week 1's progress:

It took me nearly a week to get to at least 64 oz water & 75 g protein.  By Thursday (3 days post-op) I was at 38 oz water & 35 g protein.  Friday was 67 oz water, 58 g protein.  Saturday 61 oz water & 60 g protein & Sunday 84 oz water & 70 g protein.  Since then I've hit the targets & try to exceed in both!

This may be TMI, but from Wed until Sunday, every time I drank protein I had to go to the bathroom w/ the runs.  Not fun!  Sunday was a good day & since then it's been better, but still happens at least once most days. 

Pain got better each day.  I was off the Vicodin gravel (what we called the small pieces each pill was reduced to) as of Friday.  The main incision still hurts & feels like I'm pulling on it when I move certain ways.  

Sleeping thru the night still eluded me.  That took about 10 days.  I was usually up for a couple of hours each night & would go sit on the couch.  In bed I could lie on my back, but until week 2 wasn't able to sleep on either side.  In week 2 I was able to start rolling carefully side to side, but not as far as I'd like!  At least it was easier to sleep!  

Settled into a routine w/ the protein drinks.  I had tried soup broth w/ the Unjury unflavored protein powder, & while the flavor was ok, I didn't like how it got cold so fast (since you can't heat it over 130) & then would separate a bit when reheated.  That changed the taste for me too.  So instead I have a 1/2 cup of broth daily, just for a savory taste vs. all the sweet.  

Week 2's highlights:  
Pain is even less now w/ that 1 incision.  It only hurts when I overdo it, try to roll too far over in bed, or bend over too far.  

I'm sleeping better, but when I wake up, I'm up (vs. being able to fall back asleep). I also get so sleepy in the afternoons that I just can't keep my eyes open!  The 1st day it happened (Thursday of wk 2) I didn't take a nap as I wanted to be sure I'd still sleep thru the night.  But every day since then I've given in to the naps & felt much better for it!  I'm still sleeping fine @ night too, so I guess I just  need the sleep.  

I've been taking at least 1 walk daily, usually 2.  I've found the grocery store is a great place to walk - I can go slowly, lots of aisles to walk up & down, & a cart to hang onto!  I've had at least 1 outing daily - grocery store, shopping, to work for a 90 min mtg, & out to tea w/ mom for Mother's day w/ some family.  They ate - I just drank decaf tea!

People @ work were great - there are at least 6 of them who said I've inspired them to eat better & walk every day @ lunch.  Gotta love it, me, the new role model for health & fitness!  HA!  

I'm getting a bit tired of the protein drinks, but also know this is as easy as it will get, so I'm trying to take advantage of the time!  My routine w/ meals has been:  choc powder w/ PB2 for breakfast, vanilla powder w/ 2 shots of cold decaf espresso for lunch, & then 1 of the many samples I still have to try for dinner.  Throughout the day I drink Crystal Light fruit punch w/ 1/2 of a New Whey fruit punch bullet. That guarantees me at least 80 g protein/day.  

So far, so good.  16 lbs lost in the 2 wk pre-op diet, 9 more in week 1 post-op & 5 more in week 2 for a total of 30 lbs in 4 wks.

1 Week Post-Op

May 05, 2008

Wow, what a difference a week makes!  Here's a recap of the day of surgery & coming home.

4/28 - arrive @ Sequoia Hospital @ 7a, called in by 7:45a to start doing all the pre-op stuff.  Change into gown (huge, even on me), get weighed, put on the inflatable leggings, start the IV, review all medications/supplements I'm taking (had to revise this 3 times as other ones came to mind) & all procedures I've had, sign the paperwork, get a Heparin shot, turnover my CPAP machine for use in recovery, visits from the bariatric coordinator (really nice), one of the OR nurses, the surgical asst, my surgeon, & the anesthesiologist (sp?).  She was the least friendly of the bunch, but as long as she is great @ her job - I'm good! Mom, Dad, & my DP were in & out of my area for the next couple of  hrs.  
At 10:15a I said goodbye & walked to the OR (never done that before!), got my lovely hair covering, & went into the room.  It was smaller & more cluttered than I'd expected, but spotless (I was looking @ everything!).  2 large flat panel monitors & a big digital clock I kept watching.  This was my 1 & only brief visit w/ anxiety.  I think I like being sleepily rolled into the OR much better.  The table was narrower than I'd expected, but it makes sense to allow them easier access, & I'd be asleep soon enough.  BP cuff on the arm, oxygen mask on my face (just oxygen @ that point), listened to the conversations for a few minutes, heard my surgeon's voice, and that's all I remember!
Woke up in recovery w/ a sore throat (of course) & on my CPAP machine.  Drifted in & out, they kept telling me to take deep breaths.  They always yell at me to do that in recovery rooms!  Really don't remember much else.
Got to my room at some point, a private room - yippee!  I think it was around 3p, but I was completely out of it until around 7p.  I just slept hard (with oxygen & CPAP).  Mom & DP were there the whole time.  Another Heparin shot @ some point.  I was allowed ice chips & that's all I wanted. Well, that & my PCA that is!  I got up to use the bathroom & take a short walk.  That evening 2 friends came by to visit.  I was mostly alert & feeling ok. On oxygen as my pulse ox level was under 90.  More naps, walks @ 11p & 2a, slept w/ the CPAP & oxygen.  No interest in TV, ipod, or any other activity - just sleeping. People came in & out all night to draw blood, test sugar, take vitals, hang more meds, etc. My mom went to the hotel, but they brought a cot in for my DP to stay (much appreciated!).  

4/29 - Woke up early, pain not too bad, 3rd Heparin shot @ some point this AM I think.  More walks, more ice chips.  Hardest part of getting out of bed is having those inflatable leggings removed! Breakfast tray had tea (not decaf by mistake), a pkt of lemon juice, sweet & low, jello, & a Healthwise protein drink (pineapple orange), which wasn't 1/2 bad.  Just drank a few sips of the drink from the 30 cc cup & didn't even try anything else.  
Dr. came in & said things looked good for release later this AM, after my xray (upper GI).  Blood work was ok other than an elevated white count.  
Down to xray in a wheelchair, waited awhile (read the printed emails friends had sent to the hospital's site), they gave me something different to drink for this one (color of ginger ale, strange taste).  I was paranoid about swallowing!  Also about having the equipment touch my abdomen.  It wasn't so bad though.  Back up to my room. Got the spirometer to help w/ my lungs (I had to ask about it).
Lunch tray came w/ same stuff plus beef broth.  It wasn't good.  I drank a few ounces of the protein drink (starting off right - protein first!!).  While my dr had said I could leave by 11a, the nurse wanted to keep me so I could try to get more protein in.  I was able to leave by 2pm.  
The ride home was rough.  It was 1 hr 40 min with traffic.  Even clutching a pillow I could feel the bumps.  DP drove slower than legal limit (& was probably paranoid doing even that).  
Got home & realized the drug store hadn't filled the Rx for the anti-nausea.  I was nauseous, in pain, & had a fever of 101.9.  Called Dr. Feng & he said to get the Reglan (anti nausea Rx) & also to take the liquid Vicodin as it had Tylenol in it & would help the fever.  This was not a good night, but I got thru it!  Reglan helped a lot.  I couldn't deal w/ the liquid Vicodin after the 1st dose, so my DP started cutting Vicodin pills into small pieces.  16 pieces & 90 minutes later, I had a pill in me (good grief!).  I slept a bit off & on, on the couch mostly. 

Tomorrow's the Day!

Apr 27, 2008

I keep waiting for the nervousness to set in, but it hasn't!  I'm strangely calm about having surgery tomorrow.  I have to be @ the hospital in 10 hours.  Aside from being a bit hungry today (clear liquids & Milk of Magnesia only go so far!), I'm feeling fine.  Friends have been calling & wishing me well.  They all sound more worried than I am! 

This is it!  Next time I post, I'll be sleeved!!  Wish me luck!

Useful Websites

Apr 20, 2008

I wanted to list the sites I've found useful.  These are mostly from other OH members' recommendations over time.  Hopefully no one will mind if I put them here for safekeeping!  I'll be adding to it as I learn of more.  If you have recommendations/comments, please let me know!  Thanks!

Protein Powders/drinks/vitamins & more
www.affordablesupplements.com (haven't tried, but prices seem CHEAP)
www.bariatricadvantage.com (ordered vitamin sampler pack)
www.bariatricchoice.com (haven't tried)
www.bariatriceating.com (ordered protein sampler)
www.bellplantation.com (ordered powdered PB called PB2)
www.gnc.com (Amplify protein powder was the 1st one I "liked")
www.supplements.net (haven't tried)
www.unjury.com (ordered a sampler protein pack)
www.vitalady.com (samples of LOTS of different protein powders for $1.99 each.  Sometimes samples are 1.5 servings & end up cheaper than if you bought a big container!!)

Also tried Trader Joe's, GNC, & Rite-Aid stores

Food tracking

Pre-Op Appt done, next stop, surgery day!

Apr 19, 2008

My pre-op appt w/ Dr. Feng went well yesterday.  I've lost just over 10 lbs since starting the pre-op diet last Monday.  He was pleased & all systems are go!

I'm still buying & trying lots of different protein powders & drinks to find ones I can live with for 3 wks post-op.  Tried "Amplify" protein powder today & so far it's the best I've had. Currently I'm doing 1 shake a day, & 2 meals with of low cal/low carb/low fat/high protein foods, 600-800 cal/day w/ min. 75g. protein.  

Chewable MV & calcium citrate are also hard for me to take.  They're all so chalky - ick!  I bought some liquid versions of each, but am not sure those will be any better!  And I'm still not sure I have the right calcium (it's citrate, but out of 1200mg only 250 are "elemental calcium").  I'll have to ask the dr!

Something is still not agreeing w/ my system - not sure if it's the protein powder, the MV, the calcium, or maybe Crystal Light.  It's all new territory here!  I was much more familar w/ how pizza or a burger & fries would make me feel!  Speaking of "forbidden foods," we went to the movies today & can I tell you how good that popcorn smelled!  Ugh!  

It's ok.  I'm trying to focus on what I can eat, instead of all the things I can't right now.  I have felt really good this past week - with not eating much & going to the gym - I'm sleeping better!

This blogging is new to me too - I have no idea if anyone reads it! 

About Me
Concord, CA
Surgery Date
Mar 23, 2008
Member Since

Friends 53

Latest Blog 12
Halfway There! 77 down, 75 to go!
60 lbs down & just "obese"
7 Weeks Post-Op
Memorial Day Update (5/26) 4 wks Post-Op
My 1st Post-Op Appt 5/16/08
2 Weeks Post-Op
1 Week Post-Op
Tomorrow's the Day!
Useful Websites
Pre-Op Appt done, next stop, surgery day!
