March 8, 2006

Well it’s been 1 month since I had my surgery and I am down 20 pounds and 35 pounds if you count when I went to my consultation.  I am so excited!! :)  My mom took some pictures of me so I will have to put them on here, even though I hate them.  I can't wait to be at my goal weight of 145.  I am aiming for a bikini this year. 

February 7, 2006 - SURGERY DAY!!

SURGERY DAY!!  :)  I am so excited!  I woke up 1/2 hour before my scheduled time to get up, I couldn't sleep because I was too excited.  You know that Disney commercial where the little boy says I can't sleep, I am too excited, well that was me!!

I got to the hospital at 5:45 am, appointment time is 6 am.  My mom and sister came with me to give me moral support.  My mom had this surgery almost 3 years ago and she lost 76 pounds.  She looks great and is my inspiration. :)  I went back to the waiting or holding area and got pricked and pushed on.  I hate IVs. :(  I wasn't nervous until 7:15 - then I got scared and nervous at the same time.  YIKES!  This is it, no turning back now! 

They rolled me back at 7:30 am and by 10:30-11 am I was finished.  All I remember is them asking me to move over to the table and then I was out.  I remember waking up in recovery and looking at the clock and it said 11:45 am.  Within minutes I was being rolled to my room.  When I arrived I was asked to move over to my bed and then I saw my mom and my sister.  I was glad to be in a real bed.  :)  I wasn't in much pain, my chest and back just hurt, I assume it was from the air they blew inside my chest cavity.  That hurt the worse because it kept me from falling asleep.  I mean I was VERY drowsy, but I couldn’t sleep at all.  My Dad and Step-mom came to see me later that evening, and then I tried to sleep.  My pain was they ask between 1 - 10, how is it?  I always said a 5, but it didn't really bother me.  The morphine made me really nauseous.  Ugh!  The first night turned out to be an okay night, except for the fact that I didn't get much sleep.

Consultation weight: 246
Pre-op Weight: 231

February 6, 2006

What an awful weekend.  Clear liquid diet and a colon cleanser!  I lost 7 pounds with that.  I now weigh 231. :)  I am so glad tomorrow is my surgery.  I am really hungry real food for a few weeks, but at least I can have some liquid after surgery.  It'll all be worth it in the end! :)

January 18, 2006

I am having my endoscopic procedure today at 3:30p and I am so freakin' hungry it isn't funny.  I have a horrible headache and can't take anything so I am not a happy person today.  :(    I am excited because my surgery is 3 weeks away!! I went for all my Pre-op testing on the 16th.  I can't wait until the 7th.  I will be excited and nervous on that day.  I will keep you posted.....

December 14, 2005 - APPROVED!!!


I am so excited!!  My date is Feb. 7th, 2006.  I was so surprised.  My letter must have worked!!  Thanks to all who sent me example sample letters.  I am on my way to my new life!!

December 7, 2005

Man, it has been a long time since I have updated this.  I have been denied once again.....the surgeons office turned in my paperwork earlier than expected and it was incomplete, so I had to appeal.  This time, I had everything, including a heart felt letter from me, my doctor and my nutritionist.  I am in the waiting period.  This is the hardest part.  No one likes to wait and it is killing me.  I am not gettting my hopes up, because they just get shot when I get the letter of denial.  :(

Dr. Moazzez's office sent it over to Aetna on the 22 November, so I guess I have to wait the normal 15 days for reviewing.  It'll kill me, but I have to wait.  I just know they will deny me once again.  But I will keep fighting and not give up because that's what they want me to do....well I AM NOT GIVING UP!!

October 11, 2005

Today I had my 1 on 1 visit with Karen,  she said I was on the right track, but I had gotten some wrong vitmains.  I need vitamins with Vit K, and the Iron is way too much for me to take, and the calcium was carbonate instead of citrate.  Oh well...I am going to exchange them tonight.  This my last visit and now Pam can submit my paperwork.  Karen is supposed to take my information to Dr. Moazzez's office and give it to Pam so she can submit my paperwork. 

At 12:30 pm, I called Pam and she said Karen did indeed drop off my paperwork, and she faxed it to Aetna.  She said it usually takes a week to get an answer so now all I have to do it wait...ugh!  I HATE waiting...I have this slight fear it will be declined, but I have done everything they told me to we will see.  I did recieve a letter from Aetna before with a decline, even though Pam never submitted anything, she just opened a case in my name, and I guess they start from there and determine.  I am not sure...I am not going to get excited until I get the paper back that says APPROVED!  Then I will be VERY excited!!

Septmeber 29, 2005

Today I went to the 4 hour class with the Nutritionist.  I learned a lot of information.  No wonder it costs ya $250.00.  I am waiting to go on the 11th of October for my final visit with the nutritionist before Pam can submit my paperwork.  I am going to go on Oct. 8th to get my vitamins and stuff I need for my 1 on 1 visit with the nutritionist.  I am getting anxious now.....

September 14, 2005

I spoke to Pam in Dr. Moazzez's office about my insurance's clinical policy bulletins,  it says EITHER a 6 month preparatory doctor supervised diet OR a multidisplinary preparatory diet regimen.  I inquired about it so much that Pam called the insurance company..and I have to meet with the nutritionist atleast 3 times, which I have met with Linda once, and was scheduled to meet with her on the 19th, but she cancelled, I guess she is no longer here, so I rescheduled with Laura...once on the 29th, then on Oct. 18th....then Pam should be able to submit my paperwork....I hope so....I'd hate to have to do it for 6 months.....ugh...we'll see...I'll keep this posted as new things arise.

August 31, 2005

I had my sleep consultation today with Dr. Bakker.  I passed this as well....YIPEEEEEEEEEEEE!  Now all I have to do is see the nutritionist and finish my six month physician supervised diet....ugh!  Hopefully I will have my surgery sometime before the end of the year.....xx (crossing my fingers)

About Me
Bealeton, VA
Surgery Date
Oct 15, 2004
Member Since

Friends 5

Latest Blog 49
April 29, 2008
March 27, 2008
March 26, 2008
December 28, 2007
December 28, 2007
December 3, 2007
November 8th, 2007
August 7th, 2007
July 19th, 2007
May 8th, 2007
