Mary M. 18 years, 5 months ago

What an amazing accomplishment! You should be as proud as your fellow OH members. Wonderful work. Enjoy- Mary

SH 18 years, 5 months ago

Congratulations. YOu are such and inspiration. I admire you and your wonderful success. Keep up the phenomenal work. SH

fngrs132 18 years, 5 months ago

Wow..Double century club. You go girl. I bet it feels awesome. Keep up the good work. Moni

smmeiller 18 years, 5 months ago

congratulations, an inspiration to us all

LunchladyG 18 years, 5 months ago

WOW!!! DOUBLE CENTURY CLUB!?!? AWESOME!!! INCREDIBLE!!! You must feel great. Congratulations! I'm almost at the century mark and feel so much better. I can't begin to know how great you must feel.(((HUGS))) Lunchlady

~Tooter - the Droopy Witch 18 years, 5 months ago

WOOHOO!!! DOUBLE Century CLUB! I am SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!! (((HUGS)))) and much love, Tooter

eileen f 19 years ago

Happy Birthday, Carolyn!!! I hope you had a splendid day! Can't wait to meet you when you get down here next year!

WendyNVA 19 years ago

Hey woman, Thanks god for Tooter, or I'd not have known! Blasphamy, I tell ya!!!! Happy Birthday woman, and wishing you many more!! Get ya butt down south, so we can celebrate, will ya??? Lots of love Wendy

Ginny K 19 years ago

Happy Birthday Carolyn!:party"

intuitive 19 years ago

Happy belated birthday!
About Me
Mar 02, 2004
Member Since
