Damon C. 19 years, 3 months ago

Prayers on a speedy recovery on your hernia surgery today. Keep up the good fight. ~DAMON~

CelticRose 19 years, 3 months ago

A little birdie just posted that you were having hernia repair surgery today. Just wanted to wish you well and wish you a speedy recovery. Oh... and next time you are trying to sell your house, don't try and pick it up and move it. I know the motto is "location..location..location" but .... OK... that was to make you smile... hope it did... will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Take care. Carolyn

Sassy Cathy 19 years, 3 months ago

Good luck with your hernia surgery K-Man! I know you're going to do just fine - 'cause you're da CAPTAIN K-MANNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!! Woo hoo to you man! You are SUCH an inspiration to me. I hope that we keep in touch for a long time to come! Be well my friend!!!!! (((((((Hugz))))))) SassMaster!!

kimkrech 19 years, 5 months ago

Ken, I just finished reading your story, altho I did see it in Dr. Tom's office :) congrats on your success!!! I have my surgery this friday April 15, alittle nervous, but very excited. Dr. Tom will be doing mine, and I really like him. Hopefully all goes well. Take care, Kim

Gala G. 19 years, 6 months ago

Hey There Friend!!! Happy Re-Birthday!! Wow - what a differance a year makes doesn't it!!! Ken, I've loved your sense of humor and wit since the first post I read of your over a year ago. It is truelly been a pleasure to have met you and to gain a friendship with you and your lovely wife. Here is to many years of continued great health!!! Take Care and Be Good!! Love, Gala ps....did you know that you, me, and james put together have LOST more than what "I" weighed pre-op???? Interesting thought huh?? Actually between the 3 of us I think we have lost close to 400 lbs!! Go figure.

Gala G. 19 years, 6 months ago

Hey There Friend!!! Happy Re-Birthday!! Wow - what a differance a year makes doesn't it!!! Ken, I've loved your sense of humor and wit since the first post I read of your over a year ago. It is truelly been a pleasure to have met you and to gain a friendship with you and your lovely wife. Here is to many years of continued great health!!! Take Care and Be Good!! Love, Gala ps....did you know that you, me, and james put together have LOST more than what "I" weighed pre-op???? Interesting thought huh?? Actually between the 3 of us I think we have lost close to 400 lbs!! Go figure.

crycket27 19 years, 6 months ago

Hello!!!!! Ken!!! Happy Anniversary. You've come a long way huh? You look really good. We all are very proud of you, and I for one do really appreciate the support you are constantly giving. You are the best. I hope you are having a great day today. Today is day 1 for me on my liquids. So I am right at the beginning of this journey huh? Well I will talk to you later. Enjoy your day! Jessica

Sassy Cathy 19 years, 6 months ago

***Captain Kkkkk-mannnnnn** Happy Anniversary to you, Happy anniversary to you, Happy Anniversary dear K-Man, Happy anniversary to you. You, sir, are an inspiration. Thank you for all that you do around here. Now, go wash up -- you've got pudding in your ear! Have a wonderful day! (((((((Hugz))))))) Cathy aka "The SassMaster"

SherryWeber 19 years, 6 months ago

Hi Ken! Happy First Anniversary/Re-Birthday my dear friend! You must be on top of the world right now...and, you should be! You have accomplished SO much in such a small amount of time. :-) Thank you for being such a wonderful and supportive friend, not only to me, but to SO many others! May all of your dreams come true; and, that you continue to soar with the eagles... Love & (((Hugs))), ~~Sherry

Cheryl G. 19 years, 6 months ago

Ken, I think you're "the cat's pajamas"! Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary! :0)
About Me
Half past the monkey's butt..., WI
Surgery Date
Nov 19, 2003
Member Since
