newbarb2 15 years, 6 months ago

Paula, I want to send warm wishes, and many prayers for an uneventful surgery and a speedy recovery. Can't wait for you to join us on the losers bench, we're saving you a nice warm spot. Hugs, Barb

NaomiF 15 years, 6 months ago

Paula, Sending you good thoughts and prayers for a speedy, uneventful recovery. Get ready for the ride of a lifetime as we make room on the Loser's Bench for you!!

rlfroo 15 years, 6 months ago

Paula, Paula! I am so exited for you! You have been waiting for so long. You have such a beautiful spirt and now you are going to be a hotty potattie! I so enjoyed hanging out with you in Ontario that was great. I hope to see you soon, maybe at the next Long Beach coffee? That would be great. You get up and walk as soon as you can, walk and fart and you will get out of the hospital quick, that is what the nurse told me and I was out in 26 hours. That was awesome! I will be praying for you and thinking of you on Monday girl. Best wishes and see you on the loosers bench. Rhonda

jj_in_CA 15 years, 6 months ago

Welcome to your new life! Hang on, it's a wild journey. Sip, sip, sip, walk, walk, walk. -j

lalala2 15 years, 6 months ago

Your OH friends will be thinking of you on Monday. Hope everything goes smoothly. Let us know how U R doing once U get home. Lalala2

Midgetkjb 15 years, 6 months ago

Hi Paula, Good Luck on your surgery. Everything will be fine. We are moving over on the loser bench for you. I wish you a speedy recovery. Remember to take vitamins, sip, sip, sip, walk,walk,walk and follow your Doctors orders. Let us know how you are. Love & Hugs, Karen B.

Chris S. 15 years, 6 months ago

Oh Paula puppy! Yea for you! I'm so happy your day is finally here! Hugs and have an uneventful surgery! We'll be waiting to hear from Becky and YOU when you are up to it! Chris

MadameJoy 15 years, 6 months ago

Wishing you the very best on your surgery and hope for fast healing and good luck on your WL journey. HUGS JOY

Sweenygirl 15 years, 6 months ago

Just wanted to stop by and wish you all the best and WELCOME ABOARD!!!! Hugzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, Sweeny

dogma2karma 15 years, 6 months ago

Paula - Wishing you a smooth procedure and a speedy recovery! D2K
About Me
Laguna Hills, CA
Surgery Date
Feb 19, 2008
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