January 8, 2007 Happy New Year
Jan 08, 2007
Its been a while since I have up dated. Really trying to navigate my way around this new format. I am down 51lbs now. I am starting to see myself in mirror and doing a double take, like who is that? Oh yeah, thats right just me....he he. Finally excited to see a summer coming soon. toot a loo for now.
December 11, 2006
Dec 11, 2006
Surgery has been the best gift I could ask for, I am now down 43 lbs. I am eating very very healthy. The key for me is to be prepared with several options of food no matter where I go. I now carry a case of water/diet iced tea in the trunk of my car at all times. I find that I am thirsty always and we have to stay hydrated. I am somewhat dissapointed in slow weight loss compared to others, but my mom tells me this is better for my skin. Achieving maxium protein is always a challenge, and leave no room for anything else. Guess that is the purpose. Well ta ta for now.
About Me
Lovely, MD
Surgery Date
Dec 27, 2005
Member Since