Hi Eldon,
I know first hand how lucky you are. You see my wife had her RNY 11/19/04 and I just had mine on 3/3/06. Threre is no easier way through this than having your spouse know first hand everything to do, warn you about, point out when you miss, and truly share the giddiness you are going to experience when the weight just started dropping off.
Take all the clothes out of your closet and arrange them from largest to smallest. Otherwise you can blow right by stuff before you get to wear it on the way down.
Also ask your doctor to write your take home prescriptions for things like pain meds the day after surgery rather than the day you are discharged. That way your wife can get them filled so they are there when you get home. Nothing nicer than walking in and seeing the pain medication is there without her having to go back out.
Even though it has only been two weeks, I can already see the benefits of a 24 hour in-house support group, even if there are only two regulars at the meetings... LOL.
You are going to do great.