Time flies

Oct 30, 2014

Wow has it really been this long since I was here. I got so depressed after my last denial and then several other jobs that wouldn't cover surgery but once again, I'm looking into getting surgery. This time I know my insurance covers it. I'll be working with Unity Point Medical here in Des Moines. this last Tuesday I went to what I expect to be the 1st appointment of the 6 month doctor supervised care.(I'm hoping I can get around this requirement but I haven't yet met with my surgeon.) I have my consultation meeting on 11-7, so we'll see how that goes. If I have to wait 6 months that puts my procedure in April. Seems like an eternity, but hell, I've been working at this since 2002, so 6 more months should fly by. 

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Group Meeting

Aug 16, 2007

I had my group/info meeting today at Dr. Eibes' . Lots of information and I got my consultation sceduled for next Tuesday. I'm hoping everything moves along smoothly. I'm trying to get ahold of the last couple doctors I've seen to get copies of my records for my insurance company,,so far so good.

Group Meeting

Aug 15, 2007

Tomorrows the day,I've been waiting for a month for this group meeting. I can't wait to get the ball rolling,I'm trying to get as much information as I can to take with me,but I know I'll need more. Thats ok tho,at least I get to see and talk face to face with the surgeon and some of his staff. I've already planned for a few set backs with insurance and all, but this time I'm ready to fight for it...


Jul 16, 2007

    OK,,,I was feeling pretty good about getting this started again and then today has been one of those blah days,,full of second thots and wondering why I'm doing this again. I was so excited about going to the group session with Dr. Eibes on Aug.16,,,but then I think"huh,,its a hole freaking month away." A month seems like a very long time... I just want it now,I know it sounds selfish but its how I'm feeling.    
    A month is along time to wonder if this time will it go thru,,am I going to take all these steps and take all the tests just to be turned down again,to be shoved to the side cause insurance thinks I'm not worth it,well, I think I am,I think I still have alot to give. I dont know,,I guess I'm just venting,I know its what I want to do, I just want to do it now.

Group session

Jul 12, 2007

Ok,,,Dr. Eibes's office just called,I have to goto a group session on Aug.16 and then they will scedule a consultation,,,I'm just countin the days,,I can't wait.

First Dr. app.

Jul 02, 2007

Ok,,,I had my first doctor app. on Friday 6-29-07 to start the approval process. This was with my family doctor and while he said he's not a huge fan of WLS, but he'd support me all he could only because I'd done my research and knew what to expect and what I wanted out of it,,so after a blood test, (every time I go in I get blood tests,,,I think they're just needle happy) and they gave me an EKG, He's going to call the surgeon I chose(I'm going with Dr. Eibes at the Iowa Health Systems Bariatric Center, and set up a consultation with him to get the process started,,,woo-hoo,,,can't believe I'm starting this again, after the last time I was turned down, I'm getting just as excited,,,I can see a new life on the horizon,,its just a matter of working my way to it...

a start

Jun 28, 2007

Ok,it's Thur. 6-28-07 and I talked to my benefit manager at work and I dont know if I should be excited or not...here's what she said----We have not had any previous experience with this type of surgery, but this is what I have found out.  I have no idea how long the process may be or what is involved, but this is what is required to get the procedure started.It is not normally covered, but can be reviewed for medical necessity.  It needs pre-determination by the doctor.  The doctor’s office should submit the pre-determination form with supporting documents.  BCBS informed me that the doctor’s offices have the forms.---- 
OK,so there's a chance they'll turn me down,gotta tell ya almost brings me to tears,I dont know how much of these ups and downs I can take,,NO,I'll take what ever I need to to make this happen,,so I goto the Dr. tomorrow to talk to him and see what he can do...I'm just ready to start the rest of my life.Wish me luck.....

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Altoona, IA
Jun 27, 2007
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