Back to waiting

Jul 03, 2007

So I contacted my surgeon's office yesterday and left a vm asking that the insurance dept call me with any update they had on my case. Not hearing back from them I called again today and left another vm. I got a call back saying that they just received the chart from the doctor and have not contacted the insurance company yet. I am frustrated, not only that it took them over a week to get the chart, but also because they said that I may need to do a 6 month diet. I understand that this is pretty normal with insurance companies, but I have been dieting pretty much non stop since I was 15 years old. What is another 6 months going to show?

10 days later

Jul 01, 2007

Today is 10 business days after my appointment with the surgeon. They told me if I do not hear anything by now to call them and check on the status of my insurance. I am very nervous. I am going to wait till I get home from work to call them. I hate feeling like I am hanging in limbo, not knowing what my fate will be. I am sure that if anything does come back it will be that I need to go have a psych eval, which I am totally ok with doing. I'm just hoping that there is something they can tell me. Waiting is the hardest part!

First step...

Jun 18, 2007

Yesterday I had my first meeting with my surgeon, Dr James Kane Jr. He seemed very nice and personable. I spent the last month, the time between the mandatory seminar and my actual appointment, stressing about what to say to convince the surgeon that this surgery is right for me. Dr Kane made the visit very comfortable, I was slightly nervous going in. In the end he said he would get the ball rolling and now I have to wait for the insurance.

About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 10, 2007
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