Linda B. posted a discussion topic 11 years, 12 months ago
x-post, huge NSV that made me cry - So I have been wearing a cheap silver ring in place of my wedding band that has not fit for years. It was loose today, so I decided to try my wedding ring on, IT FITS. OMG, it is...

Linda B. posted a discussion topic 11 years, 12 months ago
x-post huge NSV, I cried - So I have been wearing a cheap silver ring in place of my wedding band that has not fit for years. It was loose today, so I decided to try my wedding ring on, IT FITS. OMG, it is j...

Linda B. posted a discussion topic 11 years, 12 months ago
NSV at follow up dr. appt. - Yesterday I had a follow up with my surgeon. I told him I really am lacking energy. He said since my bp is on the lower side of normal to stop bp meds as they might be contributing...

Linda B. posted a discussion topic 11 years, 12 months ago
2 week appointment - I had my first follow up appointment yesterday. Since I still have no energy to speak of, he granted me an additional 2 weeks off work. This is good news as I have another surgery ...

Linda B. posted a discussion topic 11 years, 12 months ago
11 days out, still have no energy - I am doing better everyday. Pain is virtually gone unless I stretch to much. The one thing that is hard to deal with is my lack of energy. I am still tired all the time and just ge...

Linda B. posted a discussion topic 12 years ago
public service announcement for pre-ops & new - While you are on the liquid diet, never, never trust a fart. Just sayin. Now back to your regular forum reading.

Linda B. posted a discussion topic 12 years ago
sleeved and home - Wow, i've been waiting a log time to post this topic. Surgery was Thursday, I came home this afternoon. DH has been taking good care of me. I'm still quite sleepy, and I've got som...

Linda B. posted a discussion topic 12 years ago
Home - I was released to come home this afternoon. took a good, long nap in my own bed. I feel better already. There is no place like home. I suspect that now that I'm home, recovery will...

Linda B. posted a discussion topic 12 years ago
Sleeved and getting better - Hi everyone, Surgery yesterday afternoon, rough night but today is better. DH is here with me and is taking good care of me. Will post when I can, thanks for the prayers and crit...

Linda B. posted a discussion topic 12 years ago
report time for the big day - Well, I report to the hospital at 10:00 am tomorrow morning. Right now I'm drinking my dinner. Then, off to pack. DH will be able to stay with me, so most of what we are taking is ...

Linda B. posted a discussion topic 12 years ago
Tomorrow is the big day & thank you - Well, I am sitting here drinking my dinner. I report at 10:00 am tomorrow. Going to go pack for DH and me in a couple of minutes. I can't believe the time is finally here. I'm look...

Linda B. posted a discussion topic 12 years ago
X-Post - Almost Time & NSV - Well, I made it through some of that wicked "to do" list. I do have everything ready for my liquid diet tomorrow. It is almost the big day. Taking lots of items to drink with me ...

Linda B. posted a discussion topic 12 years ago
X-Post - Almost Time & NSV - Well, I made it through some of that wicked "to do" list. I do have everything ready for my liquid diet tomorrow. It is almost the big day. Taking lots of items to drink with me to...

Linda B. posted a discussion topic 12 years ago
X-Post/ getting a little stressed - Well, my surgery date is finally almost here. I'm getting a bit nervous But, I know I have prepared myself for this for a long time. My DH had his VSG nine months ago and is at g...

Linda B. posted a discussion topic 12 years ago
X-Post/ stessing out a little bit - Well, my surgery date is finally almost here. I'm getting a bit nervous But, I know I have prepared myself for this for a long time. My DH had his VSG nine months ago and is at goa...

Linda B. posted a discussion topic 12 years ago
final indulgences - I am at a training for Social Science teachers about Constitution Day at the Ronal Reagan Library. I stayed in a hotel last night. I must confess, I have been eating like crap sinc...

Linda B. posted a discussion topic 12 years ago
One week to go - I can't believe after all these months of waiting, my date is one week away. I have everything I will need for the first couple of weeks (I think). FMLA paperwork is done, prescrip...

Linda B. posted a discussion topic 12 years ago
OT Sports Authority sale today - I am posting this in case anyone needs new running shoes or excercise clothing. There is a great sale for those who live near one (we don't, have to drive an hour). I know getting ...

Linda B. posted a discussion topic 12 years ago
pre-op appoitment yesterday (a little long) - Well, I had my pre-op appointment and it went well. It is finally feeling real to me now. I got my blood work done and Kaiser posted the results on the online system and it appears...

Linda B. posted a discussion topic 12 years, 1 month ago
SoCal Starbucks run tomorrow - I thought I'd post one final reminder for those who are considering the Starbucks run tomorrow. Since it looks like there are a few new people to the forum. the address is 1041 Nor...

Linda B. posted a discussion topic 12 years, 1 month ago
X-post job update - I can't believe I'm saying this, but I am going to turn down that job. Other that an uneasy feeling, I can't really give details about why I have come to this decision.  After s...

Linda B. posted a discussion topic 12 years, 1 month ago
X-post job offer update - I can't believe I'm saying this, but I am going to turn down that job. Other that an uneasy feeling, I can't really give details about why I have come to this decision.  After s...

Linda B. posted a discussion topic 12 years, 1 month ago
SoCal Starbucks meet-up reminder - Hi SoCal Peeps, As promised, here is the meet-up reminder. We will meet this Saturday 8/18 at the Starbucks located at 1041 North Miliken in Ontario. Time for coffee is 11:00. W...

Linda B. posted a discussion topic 12 years, 1 month ago
X-post a new adventure, might have to postpone VSG - Well, I have been looking for a teaching job for a little over a year. Well, today I got a phone call and an offer to teach part-time. Since the school year starts Monday, I may ...

Linda B. posted a discussion topic 12 years, 1 month ago
X-post A new adventure, might have to postpone VSG - Well, I have been looking for a teaching job for a little over a year. Well, today I got a phone call and an offer to teach part-time. Since the school year starts Monday, I may ha...
About Me
Surgery Date
Dec 31, 2011
Member Since

Friends 26
