2 Months

Apr 12, 2009

I can't believe it has been 2 months.  What a difference.  Food is not my enemy.  I had a very normal long weekend with the family.   I got excited about getting a new vacuum designed for pet hair.  I really am getting old.

Yesterday was Easter.  I had my family over.  I ate off of my appetizer plate.  No biggie.  I hadn't told my parents about my RNY yet.  My Dad asked me if I was on a diet.  I told him about my surgery.  He ended up saying good for you.  So, that was a little surprising.  I will let him tell my Mom.  She was too busy talking to my sister to hear me.  Also, I baked for Easter.  I used to enjoy baking and amazingly, I still do.  Someday, I will experiement with Splenda and see what I can eat.  Right now, I just bake and let others enjoy.  It still makes the whole house smell good.  The Easter bunny brought me a pedicure spa.  Who needs candy?  So much has changed for the better in just two months.

*I don't bite my nails anymore. 
*I can wear a belt
*I don't overheat at work and use my fan
*I don't sweat while I blow dry my hair
*I get cold and wear jackets
*I can go upstairs without breathing hard
*I am going to the YMCA three times a week, a weight class & step aerobics
*I can cross my legs
*My feet are smaller

Since surgery I have lost 43.6.  Since my highest, I have lost 58.60.




6 weeks

Mar 26, 2009

Wow, I can't believe it has been 6 weeks.  So many changes.  I had another good week.  I didn't get sick at all.  I had one meal that I believe I ate too fast.  That was it.  WooHoo!!  Water Aerobics is going great.  Today, I am going to a step class.  My energy level is much better.  I haven't been napping at work on my lunch everyday.  So many changes.  I have lost 35.4 since surgery and 50.4 total.  Unbelievable!!    


30.8 lbs gone

Mar 19, 2009

Wow, I did my weekly weigh.  I still jump on the scale for fun sometimes, but my day is Fridays.  OMG!!

30.8 since surgery
45.8 since highest

It has been a really good week.  I had some food issues over the weekend, but this whole work week has been great.  I am starting to figure out my pouch.  It is very sensitive.  I did have some weird pain one morning.  It didn't feel internal.  It felt more external skin issue.  Who knows.  Water Aerobics is going good.   It makes me feel so much better.  Also, I am wearing a jacket today that  is now loose.  I couldn't even close it before. 

Yea!!  Good Week!

1 month

Mar 12, 2009

Amazing.  It doesn't seem possible that a month has already gone by.  I am doing really good.  Feeling mostly good.  There is an occasional day when I don't know exactly what triggers it and I have food issues.  However, mostly Good!  I know I could drink more water.  The protein and eating what I am supposed to have been easy enough.  Well, untill I puked the protein shake the other day. That can change your tastebuds.  Yach!  I started water aerobics this week.  The water makes me feel more flexible.  So, one month!!  The scale today says, 240.6 so since surgery 26.40 lbs and 41.40 lbs total.  Woo Hoo!!  Twenty Six Pounds in one month!!  Yea!!

sicko today

Mar 10, 2009

You just never know when your pouch is going to turn on you.  My b-fast was fine, but my shake today.  I don't know.  Maybe it was full of too many bubbles, maybe it didn't like me.  Maybe it didn't like my breakfast.  I waited 45 minutes.  Whatever it was.  It was far from good.  I felt so nauseous and sick.  The gas and the pain.  Then finally, I threw up.  It was such a relief.  So, first throw up.  Yech.... there was no warning.  I ran to the bathroom, but I had to stop at the trashcan.  So classy at work barfing in a trashcan.  Then I ran to get to the bathroom and I had to go back to the trashcan. 

The battle only lasted an hour or so, but my pouch won.  I felt better after that, but really tired.  I took a nap in my car at lunch today.  I am just a model employee.  I came home and put on the PJ.  I have had enough.


Swimming today!

Mar 08, 2009

I went swimming today.  I thought there was a water aerobic class.  However, I ended up just goofing of with my weights and belt.  It felt really good.  I am tired.

I am excited.  My bathing suit was really loose!!! YEA!!

Not a TGIF Friday

Mar 06, 2009

Today was horrible.  The axe was falling again at work.  So scary.  Lots more lost their jobs.  I have 2 furlough days a month until.....who knows.  Bummer.  I still have my job and our branch is still untouched, but such a stressful day. 

3 Weeks today.  I feel good.  Still doing good on the protein, but not so much on the water.  Some days are better than others food wise.  I get scared and retreat to soft foods.  I weighed on my scale today.  So, since surger 21.2 lbs.  That is amazing.  I think I will weigh on Fridays only.  Feeling pretty good except I have had a sore throat and a little bit of congestion.  I think it is getting better.  Don't want to get sicker. 

Positive note... I will have the 2nd & 4th Friday off now. 

I never told my Mom

Mar 02, 2009

I guess I will have to deal with it eventually, but I just realized today that I never told my Mom & Dad.  I knew they wouldn't be supportive and I just didn't want to deal with it before the surgery.  Well, I don't see them that often, but ... I think they will be able to tell something is going on.

I feel so blessed.  Everything is going well.  Other than the whitefish the other night, I am fine.  I had canned salmon tonight.  My pouch thought it was yummy!!.  I will just have to be careful with new foods. 

It is harder at mealtime with the family than I realized.  We are definitely making adjustments to dinner time.  I still cook, but I have made convenience food and easy to cook items more readily available.  My 11 yr old twins have made dinner all by themselves a couple of times.  Hamburger helper and a frozen vegetable and their are ready to be on the food channel.  I feel a little bad for my husband.  However, then he eats ice cream or chips in front of me and then I don't feel too bad.  He is a big boy and he knows how to eat.  LOL

Today I just felt kinda normal.  It was easier getting ready.  I just feel better.  I got home from work and took a quick walk.  I definitely have more energy.  I even tried on some smaller jeans this morning.  I  couldn't wear them.  They fit, but with the incisions, I don't like the pressure.  So, I am in baggy butt jeans till my tummy is less sensitive.  I cannot believe I have lost 20 lbs already.  It is really unbelievable.

Week 2

Feb 28, 2009

Well, I have been doing really great.  Everything has been really good.  However, Thursday I think I overdid it.  I just never felt well yesterday.  I had to go home early from work yesterday.  I spent the rest of day on the couch.  I woke up today and felt much better.  Had my scrambled egg and ready to do the rest of Saturday.  All is well, bathroom scales say 16 lbs from surgery!!  Yea!!

1st checkup

Feb 24, 2009

Everything went good today.  I got the staples out.  Yea!!  I think I will be a little more comfortable.  I had a good visit with Dr. Shina.  After Friday, I will be able to swim.  I am excited.  So, I can drive.  I can move on to the next stage of the diet on Friday.  Yea!!  That will be a good thing.  My blood pressure is still low without meds.  I think everything is going well so far.  I got my exact weights for the record.

Oct 2008 - 282 lbs high
Dec 2008 - 273 1st meeting with Dr. Shina
Feb 2009 - 267 Surgery day

Feb 24th - 257 so 10 lbs since surgery, 25 lbs down since this all started.


About Me
Louisville, KY
Surgery Date
Dec 03, 2008
Member Since

Friends 80

Latest Blog 42
