AmyDee123 posted a comment 9 years ago
Thank you girls!! It feels so good! And it helps keep me...

AmyDee123 wrote a blog post 9 years ago
Officially in the 200's - I have moved on.  I am out of the 300s and officially in the 200s.  Got on the scale this morning and it started with a 2.   I can't get over it!  When I lost weight with the lapb...

AmyDee123 posted a discussion topic 9 years ago

Sorry for the rant but I'm a little perturbed this morning. 

My first goal is to get below 300.  I have been doing really well the last week and yesterday the scale read 300.2.  I was positive that this morning I was going to see my number star

AmyDee123 posted a comment 9 years ago
My butt is going away. :/

AmyDee123 wrote a blog post 9 years ago
OMG IT'S ALMOST HERE! - omgomgomgomgomg!  Got on the scale this morning and it read 300!  Tomorrow I will most likely be in the 200's and that's my first goal!!!  I feel so good!  And I am so excited!!!!!...

AmyDee123 posted a comment 9 years ago
55 pounds gone

AmyDee123 posted a comment 9 years ago
55 pounds gone

AmyDee123 posted a comment 9 years ago
55 pounds gone

AmyDee123 wrote a blog post 9 years ago
So positive! - I feel so good.  I like the things that are sore cause its a positive soreness.  I am walking a lot even early in the morning, or in the sweltering heat.  Its not easy but it feels...

AmyDee123 wrote a blog post 9 years ago
My weight loss will make me batty - But it's ok.  I have accepted that.  I stall, I break the stall, I start working out, I gain, I keep working out, I lose, my period starts, I gain, I keep working out, I lose...  I...

AmyDee123 posted a discussion topic 9 years, 1 month ago

I'm not a stranger to deprivation.  Had a hard time when I was younger and dreams like this came up.  However, it was not self induced and voluntary.  

I am dreaming about food, and alcohol.  Dreams about finding loaves of bread, but I can't us

AmyDee123 posted a discussion topic 9 years, 1 month ago

I ramped up my workout schedule, and now I am dealing with really sore shins and lots of pain.  (I'm half sure its shin splints.  I dealt with them when I was in high school.)  So much so I had to miss my workout yesterday.  I don't want to miss a work

AmyDee123 posted a comment 9 years, 1 month ago
Sounds like they are trying to help but failing. Sit them down either...

AmyDee123 posted a comment 9 years, 1 month ago
Family, no. But that consists of a very small group of very supportive...

AmyDee123 wrote a blog post 9 years, 1 month ago
The stall is truly broken - I am officially 50 pounds down, the stall is dead. This morning I got on the scale and it read 305.  I finally have killed the stall, and I am on my way to Twoterville!  I can't w...

AmyDee123 posted a discussion topic 9 years, 1 month ago

Ok, the big news...


I know I have been a whiner lately.  I apologize to everyone who has had to read my posts.  The last 4 weeks being in that stall was hell, it truly depressed me, and i was floundering

AmyDee123 wrote a blog post 9 years, 1 month ago
I did it! I conquered the lake! - My husband and I occasionally walk around the neighborhood for a bit of a workout.  About a mile.  Nothing major, but it gets the blood pumping and moves us around.  I have bad hip...

AmyDee123 wrote a blog post 9 years, 1 month ago
Slowly - Over the last 3 days I have lost a pound.  That means about 2 pounds a week, 104 pounds a year.  That sounds ok, right?? The problem is this.  This is my honeymoon period.  this i...

AmyDee123 posted a discussion topic 9 years, 1 month ago

AmyDee123 posted a discussion topic 9 years, 1 month ago

My doc is severely restricting my calories and carbs trying to see if I can break the stall and get back on track with losing.  I had been staying around 800 calories, eating solid proteins each meal, keeping carbs under 40 or 50 a day.  Now he wants m

AmyDee123 wrote a blog post 9 years, 1 month ago
Hesitantly thinking my stall might be broken - Ok, so I have been dealing with the "3rd week stall" for 4 weeks.  That means a I lost weight 1st week, 2nd week, then nothing for the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th week.  Now I'm in week...
About Me
Lutz, FL
Surgery Date
Mar 29, 2015
Member Since

Friends 19

Latest Blog 52
