
Apr 26, 2007

I need an angel.  I finally figured out how to add your angel to your site.  I wouldn't mind being an angel to someone else either.  Finally....I've been wondering and searching and now I figured it out!  I feel like screaming Eureka!


Apr 25, 2007

Last night I had a mini-breakdown.  Honestly, I'm scared.  I know it's normal for me to feel scared.  I've never had surgery before or even been put to sleep.  Every possible bad thing went through my mind last night.  The main thing I'm scared of is death.  There are a few people that I'm close to that I'm not telling about the surgery.  If something were to happen to me, would they understand?  Today I feel better about it, but last night was rough.  I'm still three weeks out from my surgery date.  I hope these mini-breakdowns don't happen often.  I'm having surgery regardless.

OMG...this site is going to save my sanity!

Apr 17, 2007

So i was just perusing through posts on the main message board.  I've come across a few posts in the past few days about people's weight loss stalling just a couple of weeks after their surgery.  I'm so glad I've read these posts and the responses.  Those posts are going to keep me sane when I plateau off for the first time.  I actually printed off a post from 3/9/2007 that a woman posted.  It's going to be much help I'm sure.

Tinkerbell71 had/has her surgery today.  I'm not exactly sure what time it is.  I hope all went/goes well.

My surgery is in a month from today.  It can't get here fast enough.  I can't help but wonder if I'm more excited about the surgery or the time off of work!  I'm just kidding.

I wonder of NorthEast Medical Center has wireless Internet access in the rooms.  I know Moses Cone did when my aunt had her surgery.

Wanting to eat everything in sight....

Apr 16, 2007

Okay, I'm sure it's a mental thing, but I want to eat everything in sight.  Now that I know I'm having this surgery, people are telling me I'd "better eat now".  Even though I'm obese, I've never really been a huge eater.  I just eat the wrong things and I have my dad's genes so....that's not a good combination.  My friends tell me I eat like a bird, but I eat the horrible stuff...and sweets....don't get me started. 

Today, I could eat everything in sight.  Part of me is chalking it up to PMS....but mainly, I've quit worrying about stuff since I know I'm having surgery in a month.  However, the nutritionist at my surgeon's office told me that my surgeon has cancelled surgeries for people that have gained weight.  So, I'm a bit worried about that too.  I don't know if that's a scare tactic or what, but I don't want to find out the hard way.  I also told myself that I'd start working out three days a week once I got a surgery date.  I figure working out now will help me with the recovery process.

Oh the battle........I'd like to lose about 5 pounds before my surgery date and I'm really off on the wrong track.

YAY!! Surgery is scheduled!

Apr 12, 2007

My surgery has finally been scheduled.  I'm so excited.  It's May 17th at 7:30am in Concord, NC.  Now the nervousness is setting in.  I have my pre-op appointment and my orders appointment and my hospital appointment all set up as well as my one week post op appointment.  I'm waiting on the nutritionist to call me back to set up my two week post op appointment with them.  Now I get to start counting down the days.  They had an April 30th appointment, but that is too soon considering I have a lot to do before then for work and life in general.

Waiting on the surgery date

Apr 11, 2007

Well,  I always said that I would start a page on this site if I ever decided to have surgery.  Two years after first toiling with the idea, I believe the time has come.  I've been approved for laparoscopic gastric bypass just recently, after having to wait six months which was required by my insurance company.  I'm excited, but I don't think it has really set in yet.  I think I'm a little nervous and scared.  I don't have my exact date of surgery yet, but do know that it should be the end of May.  The first time I tried to get approved by the insurance, I was with a different surgeon, that I never met.  His office staff was horrible.  So, when I was told I had to wait six months, I decided to change my surgeon.  I really wanted to go with Roc Bauman initially, but at the time, my insurance didn't cover him.  i had Health Care Savings, but Medcost aquired them and Roc Bauman is covered by Medcost.  See, everything does happen for a reason.

I received my approval letter on Saturday.  It only took two days for the insurance company to make a decision.  They're pretty fast with that decision.  However, I'm having to wait to get a definite surgery date because my surgeon's office is busy seeing other patients.  This is really the only beef I've had with my surgeon's office.  I wish they'd consider me a priority as well as the patients they are seeing in their office during the way.  Oh well.  No worries.  I hope to have everything scheduled by this Friday.

About Me
Charlotte, NC
Surgery Date
Apr 10, 2007
Member Since

Friends 22

Latest Blog 16
Long time, no see!
Three months out, 62 lbs down
Another Update
This is harder than I thought.
Insomnia sets in...
A little peace of mind
