Robert Mastrianna 19 years, 3 months ago

Deidre: Wishing you all the very best as you take the biggest, and best, step towards your new life. I know that you are ready for this and that you will do tremendously. Welcome to a whole new world filled with exciting new options, new possibilities, and a chance really to be FREE! Sending God's blessings and lots of positive thoughts and prayers to you. You;ll do great, Time is the BEST!! Much love, Bob

Robert Mastrianna 19 years, 3 months ago

Deidre: Wishing you all the very best as you take the biggest, and best, step towards your new life. I know that you are ready for this and that you will do tremendously. Welcome to a whole new world filled with exciting new options, new possibilities, and a chance really to be FREE! Sending God's blessings and lots of positive thoughts and prayers to you. You;ll do great, Time is the BEST!! Much love, Bob

Kathy K. 19 years, 3 months ago

Good luck and Congrats for losing sides and we are all rooting for you! Kathy K

Kathy K. 19 years, 3 months ago

Good luck and Congrats for losing sides and we are all rooting for you! Kathy K

mar 19 years, 6 months ago

Dair - I just read your post about the misinformation you got from your insurance company. I can't imagine how you must have felt,and I am amazed that from your post of just one day later you show your determination to pursue 'your journey' in spite of your not having insurance covereage. I was wondering .... is there a possibility that your doctor would let us start a petition through this web site and he would then consider you for a reduced rate surgery? I would like to contact his office on your behalf and ask for that. Do you feel it would be appropriate to ask your other supporters to do the same? I await your answer, and I stand by your side on your journey. Not the road you planned, but I am glad you have not 'pulled over'. love, mar

mar 19 years, 6 months ago

Dear Dair - I LUV U. get it? Getting closer, getting closer. Please God. I love you Dair .... you are in my heart. love, mar

mar 19 years, 6 months ago

Dair - these days must be so hard on you; like being 8, counting the days till Christmas .. but not knowing the date !! Your day will come, dear Dair, but until then .. you still have the gift of today. Thank you God, for helping us through. xxxx mar

mar 19 years, 6 months ago

Dair - thank you for letting me stand along side you on your journey. Anything you want .. you got it. Anything you neeed .. you got it. Anything at all. Your struggle today toward your health tomorrow will, God willing, let us enjoy eachother until we're 100 (well, yea, me first). I am SO PROUD OF YOU!!!! You are a miracle, Dair. love, mar
About Me
Coastal, CT
Surgery Date
Jul 20, 2005
Member Since
