garw 22 years, 5 months ago

Lori, All the best to you on your surgery. I'm sure you are going to do GREAT! I'll be thinking of you and wishing you well as you make the transition to a new and healthier life.

has2begreen 22 years, 5 months ago

Lori Lee- May your surgery and recovery be easy and fast!! Better things are about to happen for you :) The day is getting closer and closer to your new life! Good luck to you! Hugs, Janis

Donna L. 22 years, 5 months ago

Lori Lee, I am wishing you a successful, complication-free surgery and a smooth, quick recovery. I had my open RNY on 12/10/01 and have absolutely NO regrets other than not having done this several years sooner. It is, without a doubt, the best thing I could have done for myself. God bless you as you start your healthy new life.

Jeannette B. 22 years, 5 months ago

Lori...Wishing you the best on your upcoming surgery and hope you have a speedy recovery...Best Wishes...

kylakae 22 years, 5 months ago

Lori, congratulations on your upcoming surgery. May peace and love surround you on your journey and carry you along safely. Remember to drink your water, take your vitamins, walk daily and most importantly, be gentle with yourself along the way. Lastly, don't forget to stop by occasionally and update your profile. As you know, our profiles provide a lifeline to others embarking on this journey. You never know who you might inspire!

Michelle W. 22 years, 5 months ago

Best of luck to you with your upcoming surgery! I wish you an uneventful surgery and quick recovery!!

perezrdh 22 years, 5 months ago

Lori, Please know that my prayers will be with you as you begin your new transformation. Although you've gone through an uphill battle attempting to have WLS, it's finally happening for you and I couldn't be more thrilled!! This is your truly your time. I pray that the Lord places a hedge of protection around you and guides the surgeons hands to bring you safely to the other side. Take care and God Bless! Ciao and Love, Victoria :)

Michelle G. 22 years, 5 months ago

I have faith and believe that we are in God's care, I believe the Lord is with us everywhere, his angels have been sent to protect us from any harm and keep our spirits calm. May God bless you on your journey to a healthier, happier and thinner you. Wishing you a speedy, uncomplicated recovery. Please let me know when your able how your doing.

Annette B. 22 years, 5 months ago

Lori--Good Luck with your upcoming surgery.. My prayers and thoughts will be with you. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Annette

Judi W. 22 years, 5 months ago

Lori~~Wishing Good Luck and God's care to you on your Surgery Day and throughout your journey toward health and well-being. I am interested to hear of your progress and experiences.
About Me
Colorado Springs, CO
Feb 05, 2001
Member Since
