Melissa C. 21 years, 8 months ago

I'm so sorry to hear about peter, gosh I e-mailed him last month to let him know that he is such an inspiration to all of us! Linda I'm so sorry for the loss of a dear friend, I'm sending thoughts and prayer to family and friends of peters. God Bless Melissa ^j^

Justin F. 21 years, 8 months ago

I am very sorry to hear of the loss of our good friend Peter. His story is an inspiration. It gave me hope to get through my tough times and I must say that I am truly saddened to hear of his loss. God Bless

Linda A. 21 years, 8 months ago

This is the hardest post I have ever had to write. My good friend and an amazing human being Peter Herida (BigPete803) passed away yesterday. Many of you know him as the guy from Oprah. Peter had an amazing journey. His start out weight was 863 pounds. He was never expected to live through the surgery. In the first 10 months he lost 560 pounds, and ended up losing 608 total. He had been homebound for 20 years because of his weight prior to surgery, he had also been in a wheelchair for 12 years. He got a new lease on life after surgery and he embraced it to the fullest over the past few years. I first met Pete at the first support group meeting I attended. Even though it had been 3 years since his surgery he still attended each and every support group meeting. He said that the doctor's there could save a persons life, but he could provide someone with hope. He also worked as a volunteer for the hospital and visited and supported weight loss surgery patients on a regular basis. He has answered tens of thousands of emails over the past few years providing support. He also did many speaking engagement not only to the patient community but also to the medical community to educate them as to the needs of pre and post op patients. When I had my gastric bypass he was there to hold my hand in the recovery room and again when I had my plastic surgery. Over the past few months we have spent a great deal of time together. He became very close to myself and my family. He had become Uncle Pete to my kids. Peter knew that he was dying due to medical condition unrelated t

Becca K. 21 years, 8 months ago

My sincerest condolences to Peter's family and friends. I count myself among those so lucky to have known him in this life. He was an influence on my life and made me see that it was truly worth living. I will miss his witty, heartfelt posts. He was a courageous man and what he accomplished was nothing less than amazing. May he rest in peace and watch over all of us. He will be sorely missed.

Rebecca T. 21 years, 9 months ago

Pete, I want to tell you how fantastic you are. You have been and will continue to be an inspiration to all wlpatients. I hope you continue to have success in any endeavor in your future.

sammyms 21 years, 9 months ago

Peter you are special. God Bless You. You are a insperation.

Amy G. 21 years, 10 months ago

WOW Peter!! What an inspirational story!! God bless you and may He continue to keep you in His hands!! :-)

smaddy 21 years, 10 months ago

Peter, You are truly an inspiration! I wish you a happy and healthy full life! All the best! Susan M, CO Pre-op

Naes Wls J. 21 years, 10 months ago

Hi Peter, I have read somewhere about your wl journey. I'm so happy you post today. Now I can tell you how you have given me hope, that someday I will reach my goal. my wls was 12/6/02 and I have loss 86 lbs so far. My starting wt was 399 lbs. But I keep getting these darn plateaus. and I try to not get upset. because I want to enjoy my wl journey, and not cry the blues about everything. Oh well I hope you are doing well. God Bless you. Hugs

April G. 21 years, 10 months ago

CONGRATS Peter, I too saw you on Opera, YOU LOOK GREAT!!!!! Take care. RNY 9/02 213/135.
About Me
Meriden, CT
Feb 19, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
This picture was taken in December,1998
863 Poundslbs
This picture was taken in December, 2001
257 Poundslbs
