Anna F. 22 years, 8 months ago

Reading these inspiring messages helps me more than you can imagine. Thank you for posting here, everyone! I only have a few days left until surgery and I am not really very nervous--just eager to get it over with and learn how to live my new life. Thank you again!

Laura L. 22 years, 8 months ago

Anna, best wishes for an uneventful surgery and quick recovery!!!

Cathy W. 22 years, 8 months ago

I wanted to congratulate you on your upcoming surgery, I'm sure you are doing a happy dance accompanied by some "NERVES"!!! You are in my thoughts and prayers. Good Luck Cathy Whitmer

tonitreadway 22 years, 8 months ago

Congratulations on your upcoming surgery date. Best wishes to you for a complication free procedure, a speedy recovery, successful weight loss, and life long good health and happiness. You are in my prayers.

Becca K. 22 years, 8 months ago

I am praying that you have a safe journey to the losing side. May God be with you every step of the way. Many blessings to you and I wish you peace!

Dana R. 22 years, 8 months ago

Congratulations on your upcoming surgery. I hope that everything goes wonderful for you. i am having my surgery on Aug 16th. Good luck & take care. Diane R

Anna F. 22 years, 8 months ago

Thank you to everyone who has wished me well on my upcoming surgery! I have less than two weeks now and I am really starting to feel all the excitement and nervousness kicking in. I have lost my appetite and lost five pounds already, so my body must surely be ready! :) Thank you again--I love this site!

maxsprague 22 years, 8 months ago

wishing you all the best. be strong and keep your faith. I am having my surgery on the 9th

Ron E. 22 years, 8 months ago

Anna, good luck on your coming surgery. My prayers are with you, and hoping for an uneventful surgery, and a speedy, painfree recovery. See you on the other side.

Kimberly L. 22 years, 8 months ago

**Anna** I am having my surgery on July 8th also! I wish you peace in the moments before your surgery. I read your profile tonight and I can totally relate to how your feeling. I'm nervous and excited at the same time. July 8th will be our Independence Day! Good Luck to you! I can't wait to follow your progress. Sincerely, Kim
About Me
St. Paul, MN
Surgery Date
Feb 03, 2002
Member Since
