Becca K. 21 years, 11 months ago

Happy ONE Year Anniversary to You! I hope that this post finds you healthy and happy. Please remember to drop by and update your profile from time to time. It's important for others to be able to see how we post-ops do on our journeys. You never know who you might inspire. Have a great day.

Mark E. 22 years, 6 months ago

Well babe I've got to say, that since we're exersizing more and I've been VERBALLY force feeding you LOL Your loosing 10 to 15lbs every weigh in now!! Witch is every two week, and also of witch is TOTALY AWESOME!! Everyone is TOTALY proud of you and TOTALY shocked, but theres NO ONE more FLABBERGASTED by what you've accomplished THEN ME honey<333 You really have me in awe of you and INCREDIBLY jealous ;] But as I told you I'm back at my life style change, as far as exersizing and my food goes! For anyone wondering, I'm simply cutting my sugar, carbs, calories and fat in half, also no more saturated fats or processed meats and most importantly. I'm ONLY eating when I'm ACTUALLY hungry LOL and ONLY one serving witch equils around 8 to 12 ounces per meal. And I'm finding that I'm only getting three meals down and if I want to burn quicker I'm going to have to eat more meals. But so far so good, I'm down over 5lbs since my last post witch was less than a week ago. Well babe, I was looking at ALL our picture albums, and I'm just so MISTIFYED about the whole thing. You really are my higher power along with Jesus and Buddha and I sincerly mean that from the bottom of my heart! Oh btw I'll most likley be posting, during my normal work hours, due to the fact that I had surgery on both of my feet on Feb 22ond ;[ Well Kitty Cat I can't wait to see your glowing face and feel your baby soft touch at 4pm today, as we head to Wayland MA for our Starbucks coffee and Building 19, Christmas Tree Shop,Weathervane seafood restaraunt weekly ritual! TTFN for now, my little love muffin<3333 <p> -Tootie Beary~<3~<3~<3~<3

kylakae 22 years, 8 months ago

LeXus, congratulations on your excellent progress and for having such a wonderul and loving husband to support you on your journey!

Tina P. 22 years, 8 months ago

Hi... congratulations on your sucess of WLS. Keep up the good work and know that you are an inspirations to all of us.

Mark E. 22 years, 8 months ago

Hey babe, its 1/1/02 @ 1:15pm and your napping, so I thought I'd post on your page. Babe your doing great in the pratice, you have the general concept. All you need is more control and disipline and you'll be an A+ student ;] As far as your food goes, your doing INCREDIBLEY WONDERFUL!! <p> Especially on and around the holidays, you did great I have to give it to you!! Just always try to be mindful before you respond to people and I think you'll do alright! Although this may sound a bit like critisim, I'm only trying to help you get better t the pratice. <p> WE NEED to work on the resalutions we discussed last night, and make them a REALITY!! You can DEFINETLY make them realitys, because YOU ARE EXTREMLY SMART. And I know you know this, and yes YOU LOOK LIKE A SEXY MAMA, IN THE BLACK LEATHER, HIGH HEAL BOOTS I BAUGHT YA!! Well babe, our journey has just begun into Buddihsm a few weeks back and WE'VE BOTH made TREMDOUS progress so far. <p> So for now I bid you farewell!

Mark E. 22 years, 9 months ago

KUDOS on the 51lb weight loss!

Mark E. 22 years, 10 months ago

Babe, you've inspired me so much that I'm loosing weight on my own again. And TRUST ME when I say the weight loss that Rosie see's in you COULDNT be MORE on the ball~!~! Foreal, straight up you've lost from EVERY part of you're body. You're sneaker size even went down, but you will realise you're weight loss soon enough my baby kitty "mEoW" <33 xoxoxox

Mark E. 22 years, 10 months ago

wassubi beb I lub joo forever mah kitty cat and you make meh so proud ;] werd 2 u -BiG bOi <33

Mark E. 22 years, 10 months ago

y0h beb coOz movie on da gastriC tonight ;] lub joo fereVa gurLy xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox lub peaCe an hair grease (((( lubz )))) pEaCe oUtiEs

Mark E. 22 years, 10 months ago

z^ beb I lub yEw <3 cYa ToOtiE BeaRy xOXoxOxOxxOxxOoOxXx
About Me
Waltham, MA
Surgery Date
Jul 03, 2001
Member Since
