Sara Q. 20 years ago

Hi Lourdes, glad to hear you're doing well, I had my lap band done on 8/31/04 and great too. my weight is coming off slowly but that's ok, keep me posted on how you are doing. Sara

Lourdes D. 20 years ago

Thank you all for your wonderful prayers and your thoughtful words! I've crossed over and I'm banded! I've already lost 7.5 pounds my first week. If you want to read more go to my profile for an update. Again, Thank you all so very much!!

S B. 20 years, 1 month ago

This is the start of something GREAT not only for you, but others that you will inspire and help along their way. My prayers are with you each and every day. Cheers to the new life that you are starting. Believe in yourself you deserve it.

kenziesmommy 20 years, 1 month ago

Wishing you all the best. I hope you have a speedy and painless recovery. Shannon :)

Caeli B. 20 years, 1 month ago

Usted está en mis pensamientos y rezos. ¡Usted puede hacerlo! ¡Felicitaciones! (You are in my thoughts and prayers. You can do it! Congratulations!) Caeli

Dana H. 20 years, 1 month ago

Lourdes, Hey girl!! you will be fine. I had mine done 08/13/04, I am 4 days post op and doing fine, I had the same feelings you are having, Am I doing the right thing, I was nervous and scared. But it is all worth it. My family supported me. I knew I was doing the right thing, because the Lord is leaving me here for a purpose, to raise my child and to be healthy doing it. YOU WILL BE FINE. Just think how great it will be. I'll be thinking about you and keep you in my prayers.........Dana Hall

Diane B. 20 years, 1 month ago

Hi Lourdes! Big congratulations on your surgery date! I bet you are so excited! Just hang in there and try to be patient! Don’t worry if you are nervous, scared, excited or go through a thousand different emotions. This is all normal, so go with the flow! There’s really nothing you can do with all those feelings surfacing. You may start to doubt yourself and question your decision to have surgery. Just about everyone has had this happen to them. You’re making a decision to have a better quality of life and YOU deserve it!! That gut feeling or that little voice inside lets you know that you’re doing the right thing! Remember that we’re all family here and we’re ready to give you our support, lend an ear and not judge. You know you can always come here and get a dose of confidence and good will! There are lots of us who have had surgery and are in your corner rooting for you!! I just wanted you to know that I was thinking about you today and that you are in my thoughts and prayers for a successful, problem-free surgery and recovery. I’m so happy for you. Soon you will be on the other side and will join the ranks of the losers. Get ready for your life to change forever. Wishing you much success in your weight-loss journey. Hugs to you today. God bless, DI from NJ – Lap RNY, 12/09/03 -46 lbs

Cyndi M. 20 years, 1 month ago

~~~CONGRATULATIONS~~~~ on your upcomming surgery, may the guardian angels watch over you during your surgery and recovery. Looking forward to seeing you on the loosing side. Huggssssssssss and prayerssssssssss *Cyndi McCuan*

Kimanne B 20 years, 1 month ago

Congratulations on your surgery date! I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Hope you have a safe surgery and a quick recovery! Keep us posted please:) Love God, Kimanne

Marie Sinur-Schmidt 20 years, 1 month ago

Dear Lourdes, Just a quick note wishing you well on your up comming surgery. I know what you are feeling, a little scared and excited at the same time! (My date is 8-30)good luck to you! New Kid Marie
About Me
Bayside, NY
Surgery Date
Aug 10, 2004
Member Since
