Jennifer G. 22 years, 6 months ago

Kristi-Congrats on your crossing over safely. Try to get as much walking in as possible. It definetely does help!!! Good luck and keep us posted on how your doing-Jen

Kristi C. 22 years, 6 months ago

Just thought I'd take a quick moment to Thank all of you who have posted to my surgery page, both before & after. You people are so Good. I'm doing better now that I'm home sleeping in my own bed, hard to roll over. Sipping my liquids, & taking my antibiotics. Still need to get more walking in but I am wiggling my toes. Time to take my pain med & go to bed. My Best wishes for those having surgery next week, May God quide your surgeons hands.

kyle S. 22 years, 6 months ago

Good to hear your safely on the other side. Remember to walk, walk, walk. And it is important to use that spirometer. Things will get a little better everyday. Congrats!!!!

chout1 22 years, 6 months ago

Kristi, congratulations on making it safely to the other side. Best wishes for a very healthy recovery.

SARose61 22 years, 6 months ago dear angel...I am so excited that you have joined me on the losing side. I know that all of Gods Angels are watching over are some special lady!!!! May all your post-op dreams and wishes come true! Get plenty of rest and follow your drs orders.

S. Kay S. 22 years, 6 months ago

Dearest Sister, I am so thankful that you have pulled through this surgery. I am praying the Father keep you wrapped safely in his arms of love, that he encamp those ministering angels around and about you to minister to your every need. I know its tough right now, but it will be ok, you will be victorious!!!! Pastor Kay

Native G. 22 years, 6 months ago

Namaste Kristi, Congrats on pulling through the surgery. Sending loads of healing energy your way. Love and Light to you and yours.

sssuzie1 22 years, 6 months ago

Kristi - when I read your angel's post about your struggle with nausea and pain still, I wanted to leave a note for you. You've always been so nice, posting to my surgery page! It will get better. I woke up from surgery with severe nausea and thanked GOD I had the NG tube in! As for pain, keep bugging the nurses (if you aren't getting adequate pain relief from your morphine pump, etc.). I'm saying a prayer that things will start looking up and you'll feel more like yourself in no time. Hang in there Kristi - we're all pulling for you! Lisa

Dolores M. 22 years, 6 months ago

Clear the area!!!!!!! Inexperianced Angel coming in for another landing...Wow, that was better than the first one, improving! Spoke with Kristi this evening, she's still having some problems with nausa, and pain, but gradually improving. Hope tomorrow will be better for her. Her spirits sound good, and she's looking forward to improving with each day. Let's keep sending her our prayer's, and good thought's for a rapid recovery. Love & Hugs to you, Dolores

karen D. 22 years, 6 months ago

Kristi--sending you kind thoughts and best wishes for your surgery and beyond!! You are gonna love being a "loser"! Take care and may Peace and Love be with you always.
About Me
Burien, Wa
Surgery Date
May 17, 2001
Member Since
