Sheila K. 22 years, 5 months ago

Hang in there girl, you have a lot of support. You have a great surgeon and will come through this with flying colors.

sssuzie1 22 years, 5 months ago

Diana - It's perfectly normal to have second thoughts and be scared. This is a major step you are taking, but I truly believe it is the right step for many. I am 12 days post-op and have lost 24 pounds and am starting to feel so much better (health-wise)! I haven't had any regrets (so far) and am looking forward to continuing to lose. When things get overwhelming, take a quiet moment to yourself, take a deep breath and remember that you are doing this for a healthier you! My thoughts will be with you during your upcoming surgery! Lisa

Jacqueline A. 22 years, 5 months ago

Diana, best wishes and congratulations to you on your upcoming surgery day, Have a wonderful new life and may all your dreams come true...Jackie

chout1 22 years, 5 months ago

Diana, just a note to let you know that as your day gets closer and closer I will be thinking of you and praying for you. Hope you get a better nights sleep tonight. Take good care.

Rowan A. 22 years, 5 months ago

Hey! Good luck on your upcoming surgery! Here's hoping for an uneventful surgery and a speedy recovery!!! Can't wait to see you on the Losin' Side!!!!

Mary H. 22 years, 5 months ago

diana may gods blessings come to you and his grace keep you

A D. 22 years, 5 months ago

Diana...Congratulations on your upcoming surgery. My surgery date is also on April 22nd. We are surgery sisters and will become posties on the same day! I wish you a all the best for a complicated-free surgery and a speedy recovery. God Bless!

RODEO CLOWNS S. 22 years, 5 months ago

I wish you all the very best on your upcoming surgery. I hope all your dreams come true. I consider this a life saving procedure, I KNOW it saved my life and my husbands too. We both had wls in 2001 and have lost a combined total of 270 lbs. I am not going to tell you that it is easy, it is not. But would I do it again? YOU BET!!!!!!!!!!!

kylakae 22 years, 5 months ago

Diana, congratulations on your upcoming surgery. May peace and love surround you on your journey and carry you along safely. Remember to drink your water, take your vitamins, walk daily and most importantly, be gentle with yourself along the way. Lastly, don't forget to stop by occasionally and update your profile. As you know, our profiles provide a lifeline to others embarking on this journey. You never know who you might inspire!

Dina M. 22 years, 5 months ago

Diana, hey there! Congrats on the surgery date, mine is April 24th. I know your nervous, I have been too. Try to stay optimistic, looking forward to the future is going to be so wonderful for us. Many blessings~
About Me
Vancouver, WA
Surgery Date
Sep 22, 2001
Member Since
